Section: Dissemination


  • Jérémie Detrey gave a presentation on the Enigma machine and its cryptanalysis to high-school teachers as part as the journée EPI-ISN.

  • Laurent Grémy has given in April an introductory course about the Diffie-Hellman protocol for high school students during a discovery day of the Université de Lorraine.

  • Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer has participated in a session “activités débranchées” organized by Marie Duflot-Kremer (MCF Univ. Lorraine) during the event MathC2+ which was held in CRI Nancy – Grand Est. The aim of this session was to provide junior high school students with an initiation to computer science through a set of algorithmic games.

  • Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer has animated a stand in the “Village des Sciences du Loria” in April 2015.