Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: David Pointcheval, Jacques Stern, Damien Vergnaud, Introduction to Cryptology, M1, ENS
Master: Michel Abdalla, David Pointcheval, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Cryptography, M2, MPRI
Master: Damien Vergnaud, Advanced Algebra and Applications to Cryptography, Ecole Centrale Paris
PhD: Sylvain Ruhault, Security Analysis of Pseudo Random Generators, ENS, June 30th, 2015, David Pointcheval & Damien Vergnaud
PhD: Olivier Sanders, Conception et Optimisation de Mécanismes Cryptographiques Anonymes, ENS, September 24th, 2015, David Pointcheval
PhD: Sonia Belaïd, Security of Cryptosystems Against Power-Analysis Attacks, ENS, October 22nd, 2015, Michel Abdalla
PhD: Thomas Prest, Gaussian Sampling in Lattice-Based Cryptography, ENS, December 8th, 2015, Vadim Lyubashevsky
PhD: Diana Maimut, Authentication and Encryption Protocols: Design, Attacks and Algorithmic Improvements, ENS, December 11th, 2015, David Naccache
PhD in progress: Fabrice Ben Hamouda, Leakage of information in cryptography, from 2012, Michel Abdalla & David Pointcheval
PhD in progress: Jérémie Clément, Lightweight cryptography, from 2013, David Naccache
PhD in progress: Simon Cogliani, Authenticated Encryption, from 2013, David Naccache
PhD in progress: Mario Cornejo, Security for the cloud, from 2013, Michel Abdalla
PhD in progress: Houda Ferradi, Biometric protocols and mobile security, from 2013, David Naccache
PhD in progress: Alain Passelègue, Security against related-key attacks, from 2013, Michel Abdalla
PhD in progress: Adrian Thillard, Counter-measures against side-channel attacks and secure multi-party computation, from 2013, Damien Vergnaud
PhD in progress: Raphael Bost, Symmetric Searchable Encryption, from 2014, David Pointcheval
PhD in progress: Florian Bourse, Encryption Schemes for the Cloud, from 2014, Michel Abdalla & David Pointcheval
PhD in progress: Geoffroy Couteau, Efficient secure two-party computation for the Cloud, from 2014, David Pointcheval & Hoeteck Wee
PhD in progress: Rafael Del Pino, Lattice-Based Cryptography – Complexity and Ideal-Lattices, from 2014, Vadim Lyubashevsky
PhD in progress: Rémi Géraud, Provable security in public-key cryptography, from 2014, David Naccache
PhD in progress: Pierrick Meaux, Lattice-Based Cryptography – Advanced Features, from 2014, Vadim Lyubashevsky
PhD in progress: Thierry Mefenza Nountu, Number-Theoretic Study of Pseudorandom Cryptographic Primitives, from 2014, Damien Vergnaud
PhD in progress: Pierre-Alain Dupont, Secure Communications, from 2015, David Pointcheval
PhD in progress: Romain Gay, Functional Encryption, from 2015, Michel Abdalla & Hoeteck Wee
PhD in progress: Dahmun Gourdazi, Secure and Fast Cryptographic Implementation for Embedded Devices, from 2015, Damien Vergnaud
PhD in progress: Louiza Khati, Disk Encryption Modes, from 2015, Damien Vergnaud
PhD in progress: Michele Minelli, Increased efficiency and functionality through lattice-based cryptography, from 2015, Michel Abdalla & Hoeteck Wee
PhD in progress: Anca Nitulescu, Verifiable Outsourced Computations, from 2015, David Pointcheval
PhD in progress: Razvan Rosie, Practical Functional Encryption Schemes For the Cloud, from 2015, Michel Abdalla & Hoeteck Wee
PhD in progress: Quentin Santos, Advanced Cryptography from a Blockchain, from 2015, David Pointcheval
Since David Naccache left the team, these students also moved in his new Security team.
HdR Benoît Libert. Applications of Structure-Preserving Cryptography and Pairing-Based NIZK Proofs – ENS Lyon – France, April 29th, 2015: David Pointcheval (reviewer)
PhD Sylvain Ruhault. Security Analysis of Pseudo Random Generators – ENS – France, June 30th, 2015: David Pointcheval & Damien Vergnaud (supervisors)
PhD Olivier Sanders. Conception et Optimisation de Mécanismes Cryptographiques Anonymes – ENS – France, September 24th, 2015: David Pointcheval (supervisor), Michel Abdalla
PhD Sonia Belaïd. Security of Cryptosystems Against Power-Analysis Attacks – ENS – France, October 22nd, 2015: Michel Abdalla (supervisor)
PhD Thomas Prest. Gaussian Sampling in Lattice-Based Cryptography – ENS – France, December 8th, 2015: Vadim Lyubashevsky (supervisor), David Pointcheval
PhD Diana Maimut. Authentication and Encryption Protocols: Design, Attacks and Algorithmic Improvements – ENS – France, December 11th, 2015: David Naccache (supervisor), David Pointcheval
PhD Bastien Vialla. Contributions to Exact Linear Algebra over Finite Fields and Homomorphic Encryption – Montpellier – France, December 14th, 2015: Damien Vergnaud (reviewer)