Section: New Results
Free boundary - Transport Solver - Controller coupling
Participants : Cédric Boulbe, Blaise Faugeras, Jean François Artaud [IRFM CEA Cadarache] , Vincent Basiuk [IRFM CEA Cadarache] , Emiliano Fable [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching] , Philippe Huyn [IRFM CEA Cadarache] , Eric Nardon [IRFM CEA Cadarache] , Jakub Urban [IPP, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague] .
Last year, a first version of the workflow coupling a free boundary equilibrium code, the European transport solver ETS and a plasma shape and position controller had been developped. In 2015, this new tool has been tested and improved. An experiment realized on the Tokamak TCV and called "yoyo" shot has been successfully simulated. This work has been realised in the framework of the Eurofusion Work Package: Code Development for integrated modelling project.