Section: New Results
Certified Static Analyses
Certified Analyses for JavaScript
Participants : Martin Bodin, Thomas Jensen, Alan Schmitt.
We have continued our work on the certification of analyses for JavaScript by developing a systematic way to build certified abstract interpreters from big-step semantics using the Coq proof assistant. We based our approach on Schmidt’s abstract interpretation principles for natural semantics, and used a pretty-big-step (PBS) semantics, a semantic format proposed by Charguéraud. We proposed a systematic representation of the PBS format and implemented it in Coq. We then showed how the semantic rules can be abstracted in a methodical fashion, independently of the chosen abstract domain, to produce a set of abstract inference rules that specify an abstract interpreter. We proved the correctness of the abstract interpreter in Coq once and for all, under the assumption that abstract operations faithfully respect the concrete ones. We finally showed how to define correct-by-construction analyses: their correction amounts to proving they belong to the abstract semantics. This work has been published at CPP 2015 [19] .
In addition, we have worked on hybrid typing of information flow for JavaScript, in collaboration with José Fragoso Santos and Tamara Rezk at Inria Sophia-Antipolis. Our analysis combined static and dynamic typing in order to avoid rejecting programs due to imprecise typing information. This work has been published at TGC 2015 [21] .
Certified Analyses for safety-critical C programs
Participants : Sandrine Blazy, Vincent Laporte, David Pichardie.
We designed and proved sound, using the Coq proof assistant, a static analyzer, Verasco [26] , based on abstract interpretation for most of the ISO C 1999 language (excluding recursion and dynamic allocation). Verasco establishes the absence of run-time errors in the analyzed programs. It enjoys a modular architecture that supports the extensible combination of multiple abstract domains, both relational and non-relational. Verasco integrates with the CompCert formally-verified C compiler so that not only the soundness of the analysis results is guaranteed with mathematical certitude, but also the fact that these guarantees carry over to the compiled code.
Certified Analyses for binary codes
Participants : Sandrine Blazy, Vincent Laporte, David Pichardie.
Static analysis of binary code is challenging for several reasons. In particular, standard static analysis techniques operate over control flow graphs, which are not available when dealing with self-modifying programs which can modify their own code at runtime. We formalized in the Coq proof assistant some key abstract interpretation techniques that automatically extract memory safety properties and control flow graphs from binary code [13] , and operate over a small subset of the x86 assembly. Our analyzer is formally proved correct and has been run on several self-modifying challenges, provided by Cai et al. in their PLDI 2007 paper. This an extended version of out ITP 2014 paper.