Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams not Involved in an Inria International Labs
Laure Gonnord and Maroua Maleej are involved in the PROSPIEL Associate Team (Inria/Brazil, ), led by Sylvain Collange (Inria Alf), in a collaboration with Fernando Pereira's group in UFMG (Brazil). The PROSPIEL project aims at optimizing parallel applications for high performance on new throughput-oriented architectures: GPUs and many-core processors. Specifically, Laure Gonnord and Maroua Maalej are in charge of designing static analyses for GPUs. Maroua Maleej visited the group of Fernando Pereira in Aug. 2015.
Inria International Partners
Declared Inria International Partners
Christophe Alias is co-adviser, with Sanjay Rajopadhye from Colorado State University (USA), of the PhD thesis of Guillaume Iooss. The results described in Section 7.6 are part of this collaboration.
Tomofumi Yuki, who did his PhD with Sanjay Rajopadhye, then a post-doc in the Cairn team in Rennes, continues his collaboration with these two groups, as the results described in Section 7.14 illustrate. He participates regularly, over the net, to the reading group “Melange” of S. Rajodapdhye's group, with CSU students.
Laure Gonnord and Maroua Maleej have a regular collaboration with Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira from the University of Mineas Gerais (Brazil). The results described in Section 7.2 are part of this collaboration. In Jan.-Feb. 2015, Compsys hosted Fernando Pereira, as a visiting professor.
Polyhedral Community
In 2011, as part of the organization of the workshops at CGO’11, Christophe Alias (with C. Bastoul) organized IMPACT’11 (international workshop on polyhedral compilation techniques, ). This workshop in Chamonix was the very first international event on this topic, although it was introduced by Paul Feautrier in the late 80s. Alain Darte gave the introductory keynote talk. After this successful edition (more than 60 people), IMPACT continued as a satellite workshop of the HIPEAC conference, in Paris (2012), Berlin (2013), Vienna (2014). Alain Darte was program co-chair and co-organizer for the past edition, in Amsterdam (2015), while Tomofumi Yuki is program co-chair and co-organizer of the next one, in Prague (2016).
The creation of IMPACT, now the annual event of the polyhedral community, helped to identify this community and to make it more visible. This effort was complemented by the organization of the first (and for the moment unique) school on polyhedral code analysis and optimizations ( ). A second polyhedral school, more open, because involving themes and researchers from numerical analysis (users of HPC), will be organized in 2016.
Alain Darte also manages two new mailing lists for news ( and discussions ( on polyhedral code analysis and optimizations. Tomofumi Yuki is involved in the development of PolyBench ( ), a suite of kernels used for illustrating polyhedral optimizations. He is also developing PolyApps, a set of larger applications to evaluate the gap between kernels and “real” applications, see more details in Section 7.15 .