
Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organization

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Laure Gonnord is co-chair of the “french compilation community”, with Florian Brandner (ENSTA, then Telecom ParisTech) and Fabrice Rastello (Inria Corse).

Alain Darte is general chair of the steering committee of CPC (International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing), which regroups in Europe, every 18 months, a large community of researchers interested in compilers for HPC. Also, Alain Darte and Alexandre Isoard participated to CPC'15 in London (Jan. 15).

Member of Organizing Committees

Alain Darte was co-organizer of IMPACT'15 (International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques) and Tomofumi Yuki is co-organizer of IMPACT'16.

Tomofumi Yuki was publicity co-chair of GPCE 2015 (15th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experience).

Alain Darte and Tomofumi Yuki are currently organizing a second polyhedral spring school in 2016, with connections with HPC users from numerical analysis.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Alain Darte was program co-chair of IMPACT'15, with Alexandra Jimborean (Uppsala University). Tomofumi Yuki is program co-chair of IMPACT'16, with Michelle Strout (University of Arizona).

Alain Darte was program chair of the topic E2 “Compilers for Embedded Systems” of DATE'15 (International Conference on Design, Automation, and Test in Europe), with Rodric Rabbah (IBM).

Member of Conference Program Committees

Tomofumi Yuki was a program committee member for the RST Track (Reliable Software Technologies and Communication Middleware) of SAC'16 (31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing).

Paul Feautrier was a member of the program committees of IMPACT'15, IMPACT'16, and PECCS'15 (5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems).

Christophe Alias was a member of the program committee of IMPACT'16.

Alain Darte was a member of the program committees of PACT'15 (International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques) and X10'15 (international workshop on X10, part of PLDI'15).


Paul Feautrier was a reviewer for IMPACT'15, IMPACT'16, PARCO'15, and PACT'15.

Tomofumi Yuki was a reviewer for PACT'15 and X10'15.

Christophe Alias was a reviewer for DATE'15.

Laure Gonnord was a reviewer for VMCAI'15, CGO'15, and PARCO'15.

Alain Darte was a reviewer for DATE'15, IMPACT'15, X10'15, and PACT'15.


Member of Editorial Boards

Paul Feautrier is a member of the editorial board of IJPP, the “International Journal of Parallel Programming”.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Paul Feautrier was reviewer for “Information and Computation”, ACM TODAES, ACM TOPLAS, and IJPP.

Tomofumi Yuki was reviewer for the PARCO journal.

Alain Darte was reviewer for the ACM TACO journal and the “Software Practice and Experience” journal.

Christophe Alias was reviewer for Parallel Computing and IEEE TVLSI.

Invited Talks

Paul Feautrier was invited to give a talk on “The Numerical Solution of the Transfer Equation”, at a workshop in honor of Roger Cayrel, Paris Observatory, Dec. 2015.

In June 2015, Laure Gonnord was invited at Google, Mountain View and SRI, to give talks about her research about static analyses for compilers.

Scientific Expertise

Alain Darte was invited to be part of the scientific committee of the CPU (“cerfication numérique et fiabilité”) cluster of excellence (from Bordeaux Idex), and its internal evaluation in Sep. 2015.

In 2015, Maroua Maleej has produced 7 Research Tax Credit documents for Accenture group France as a scientific consultant. The goal is to expertise research done by Accenture project-teams and suggest further ideas by evaluating the state of the art.