Section: Research Program
Architecture and Compilation Trends
The embedded system design community is facing two challenges:
The complexity of embedded applications is increasing at a rapid rate.
The needed increase in processing power is no longer obtained by increases in the clock frequency, but by increased parallelism.
While, in the past, each type of embedded application was implemented in a separate appliance, the present tendency is toward a universal hand-held object, which must serve as a cell-phone, as a personal digital assistant, as a game console, as a camera, as a Web access point, and much more. One may say that embedded applications are of the same level of complexity as those running on a PC, but they must use a more constrained platform in terms of processing power, memory size, and energy consumption. Furthermore, most of them depend on international standards (e.g., in the field of radio digital communication), which are evolving rapidly. Lastly, since ease of use is at a premium for portable devices, these applications must be integrated seamlessly to a degree that is unheard of in standard computers.
All of this dictates that modern embedded systems retain some form of programmability. For increased designer productivity and reduced time-to-market, programming must be done in some high-level language, with appropriate tools for compilation, run-time support, and debugging. This does not mean however that all embedded systems (or all of an embedded system) must be processor based. Another solution is the use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), which may be programmed at a much finer grain than a processor, although the process of FPGA “programming” is less well understood than software generation. Processors are better than application-specific circuits at handling complicated control and unexpected events. On the other hand, FPGAs may be tailored to just meet the needs of their application, resulting in better energy and silicon area usage. It is expected that most embedded systems will use a combination of general-purpose processors, specific processors like DSPs, and FPGA accelerators (or even low-power GPUs). Such a combination DSP+FPGA is already present in recent versions of the Atom Intel processor.
As a consequence, parallel programming, which has long been confined to the high-performance community, must become the common place rather than the exception. In the same way that sequential programming moved from assembly code to high-level languages at the price of a slight loss in performance, parallel programming must move from low-level tools, like OpenMP or even MPI, to higher-level programming environments. While fully-automatic parallelization is a Holy Grail that will probably never be reached in our lifetimes, it will remain as a component in a comprehensive environment, including general-purpose parallel programming languages, domain-specific parallelizers, parallel libraries and run-time systems, back-end compilation, dynamic parallelization. The landscape of embedded systems is indeed very diverse and many design flows and code optimization techniques must be considered. For example, embedded processors (micro-controllers, DSP, VLIW) require powerful back-end optimizations that can take into account hardware specificities, such as special instructions and particular organizations of registers and memories. FPGA and hardware accelerators, to be used as small components in a larger embedded platform, require “hardware compilation”, i.e., design flows and code generation mechanisms to generate non-programmable circuits. For the design of a complete system-on-chip platform, architecture models, simulators, debuggers are required. The same is true for multicores of any kind, GPGPU (“general-purpose” graphical processing units), CGRA (coarse-grain reconfigurable architectures), which require specific methodologies and optimizations, although all these techniques converge or have connections. In other words, embedded systems need all usual aspects of the process that transforms some specification down to an executable, software or hardware. In this wide range of topics, Compsys concentrates on the code optimizations aspects (and the associated analysis) in this transformation chain, restricting to compilation (transforming a program to a program) for embedded processors and programmable accelerators, and to high-level synthesis (transforming a program into a circuit description) for FPGAs.
Actually, it is not a surprise to see compilation and high-level synthesis getting closer (in the last 10 years now). Now that high-level synthesis has grown up sufficiently to be able to rely on place-and-route tools, or even to synthesize C-like languages, standard techniques for back-end code generation (register allocation, instruction selection, instruction scheduling, software pipelining) are used in HLS tools. At the higher level, programming languages for programmable parallel platforms share many aspects with high-level specification languages for HLS, for example, the description and manipulations of nested loops, or the model of computation/communication (e.g., Kahn process networks and its many “streaming” variants). In all aspects, the frontier between software and hardware is vanishing. For example, in terms of architecture, customized processors (with processor extension as first proposed by Tensilica) share features with both general-purpose processors and hardware accelerators. FPGAs are both hardware and software as they are fed with “programs” representing their hardware configurations.
In other words, this convergence in code optimizations explains why Compsys studies both program compilation and high-level synthesis, and at both front-end and back-end levels, the first one acting more at the granularity of memories, transfers, and multiple cores, the second one more at the granularity of registers, system calls, and single core. Both levels must be considered as they interact with each other. Front-end optimizations must be aware of what back-end optimizations will do, as single core performance remain the basis for good parallel performances. Some front-end optimizations even act directly on back-end features, for example register tiling considered as a source-level transformation. Also, from a conceptual point of view, the polyhedral techniques developed by Compsys are actually the symbolic front-end counterpart, for structured loops, of back-end analysis and optimizations of unstructured programs (through control-flow graphs), such as dependence analysis, scheduling, lifetime analysis, register allocation, etc. A strength of Compsys so far was to juggle with both aspects, one more on graph theory with SSA-type optimizations, the other with polyhedra representing loops, and to exploit the correspondence between both. This has still to be exploited, for applying polyhedral techniques to more irregular programs.
Besides, Compsys has a tradition of building free software tools for linear programming and optimization in general, and will continue it, as needed for our current research.
Compilation and Languages Issues in the Context of Embedded Processors, “Embedded Systems”, and Programmable Accelerators
Compilation is an old activity, in particular back-end code optimizations. The development of embedded systems was one of the reasons for the revival of compilation activities as a research topic. Applications for embedded computing systems generate complex programs and need more and more processing power. This evolution is driven, among others, by the increasing impact of digital television, the first instances of UMTS networks, and the increasing size of digital supports, like recordable DVD, and even Internet applications. Furthermore, standards are evolving very rapidly (see for instance the successive versions of MPEG). As a consequence, the industry has focused on programmable structures, whose flexibility more than compensates for their larger size and power consumption. The appliance provider has a choice between hard-wired structures (Asic), special-purpose processors (Asip), (quasi) general-purpose processors (DSP for multimedia applications), and now hardware accelerators (dedicated platforms – such as those developed by Thales or the CEA –, or more general-purpose accelerators such as GPUs or even multicores, even if these are closer to small HPC platforms than truly embedded systems). Our cooperation with STMicroelectronics, until 2012, focused on investigating the compilation for specialized processors, such as the ST100 (DSP processor) and the ST200 (VLIW DSP processor) family. Even for this restricted class of processors, the diversity is large, and the potential for instruction level parallelism (SIMD, MMX), the limited number of registers and the small size of the memory, the use of direct-mapped instruction caches, of predication, generate many open problems. Our goal was to contribute to their understanding and their solutions.
An important concept to cope with the diversity of platforms is the concept of virtualization, which is a key for more portability, more simplicity, more reliability, and of course more security. This concept – implemented at low level through binary translation and just-in-time (JIT) compilation (Aggressive compilation consists in allowing more time to implement more complete and costly solutions: the compiled program is loaded in permanent memory (ROM, flash, etc.) and its compilation time is less relevant than the execution time, size, and energy consumption of the produced code, which can have a critical impact on the cost and quality of the final product. Hence, the application is cross-compiled, i.e., compiled on a powerful platform distinct from the target processor. Just-in-time compilation, on the other hand, corresponds to compiling applets on demand on the target processor. For compatibility and compactness, the source languages are CIL or Java bytecode. The code can be uploaded or sold separately on a flash memory. Compilation is performed at load time and even dynamically during execution. The optimization heuristics, constrained by time and limited resources, are far from being aggressive. They must be fast but smart enough.) – consists in hiding the architecture-dependent features as long as possible during the compilation process. It has been used for a while for servers such as HotSpot, a bit more recently for workstations, and now for embedded computing. The same needs drive the development of intermediate languages such as OpenCL to, not necessarily hide, but at least make more uniform, the different facets of the underlying architectures. The challenge is then to design and compile high-productivity and high-performance languages (For examples of such languages, see the keynotes event we organized in 2013: .) (coping with parallelism and heterogeneity) that can be ported to such intermediate languages, or to architecture-dependent runtime systems. The offloading of computation kernels, through source-to-source compilation, targeting back-end C dialects, has the same goals: to automate application porting to the variety of accelerators.
For JIT compilation, the compactness of the information representation, and thus its pertinence, is an important criterion for such late compilation phases. Indeed, the intermediate representation (IR) is evolving not only from a target-independent description to a target-dependent one, but also from a situation where the compilation time is almost unlimited (cross-compilation) to one where any type of resource is limited. This is one of the reasons why static single assignment (SSA), a sparse compact representation of liveness information, became popular in embedded compilation. If time constraints are common to all JIT compilers (not only for embedded computing), the benefit of using SSA is also in terms of its good ratio pertinence/storage of information. It also enables to simplify algorithms, which is also important for increasing the reliability of the compiler. In this context, our aim has been, in particular, to develop exact or heuristic solutions to combinatorial problems that arise in compilation for VLIW and DSP processors, and to integrate these methods into industrial compilers for DSP processors (mainly ST100, ST200, Strong ARM). Such combinatorial problems can be found in register allocation, opcode selection, code placement, when removing the SSA multiplexer functions (known as functions). These optimizations are usually done in the last phases of the compiler, using an assembly-level intermediate representation. As mentioned in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 , we made a lot of progress in this area in our past collaborations with STMicroelectronics (see also previous activity reports). Through the Sceptre and Mediacom projects, we first revisited, in the light of SSA, some code optimizations in an aggressive context, to develop better strategies, without eliminating too quickly solutions that may have been considered as too expensive in the past. Then we exploited the new concepts introduced in the aggressive context to design better algorithms in a JIT context, focusing on the speed of algorithms and their memory footprint, without compromising too much on the quality of the generated code.
Our research directions are currently more focused on programmable accelerators, such as GPU and multicores, but still considering static compilation and without forgetting the link between high-level (in general at source-code level) and low-level (i.e., at assembly-code level) optimizations. They concern program analysis (of both sequential and parallel specifications), program optimizations (for memory hierarchies, parallelism, streaming, etc.), and also the link with applications and between compilers and users (programmers). Polyhedral techniques play an important role in these directions, even if control-flow-based techniques remain in the background and may come back at any time in the foreground. This is also the case for high-level synthesis, as exposed in the next section.
Context of High-Level Synthesis and FPGA Platforms
High-level synthesis has become a necessity, mainly because the exponential increase in the number of gates per chip far outstrips the productivity of human designers. Besides, applications that need hardware accelerators usually belong to domains, like telecommunications and game platforms, where fast turn-around and time-to-market minimization are paramount. When Compsys started, we were convinced that our expertise in compilation and automatic parallelization could contribute to the development of the needed tools.
Today, synthesis tools for FPGAs or ASICs come in many shapes. At the lowest level, there are proprietary Boolean, layout, and place-and-route tools, whose input is a VHDL or Verilog specification at the structural or register-transfer level (RTL). Direct use of these tools is difficult, for several reasons:
A structural description is completely different from an usual algorithmic language description, as it is written in term of interconnected basic operators. One may say that it has a spatial orientation, in place of the familiar temporal orientation of algorithmic languages.
The basic operators are extracted from a library, which poses problems of selection, similar to the instruction selection problem in ordinary compilation.
Since there is no accepted standard for VHDL synthesis, each tool has its own idiosyncrasies and reports its results in a different format. This makes it difficult to build portable HLS tools.
HLS tools have trouble handling loops. This is particularly true for logic synthesis systems, where loops are systematically unrolled (or considered as sequential) before synthesis. An efficient treatment of loops needs the polyhedral model. This is where past results from the automatic parallelization community are useful.
More generally, a VHDL specification is too low level to allow the designer to perform, easily, higher-level code optimizations, especially on multi-dimensional loops and arrays, which are of paramount importance to exploit parallelism, pipelining, and perform communication and memory optimizations.
Some intermediate tools were proposed that generate VHDL from a specification in restricted C, both in academia (such as SPARK, Gaut, UGH, CloogVHDL), and in industry (such as C2H, CatapultC, Pico-Express, Vivado HLS). All these tools use only the most elementary form of parallelization, equivalent to instruction-level parallelism in ordinary compilers, with some limited form of block pipelining, and communication through FIFOs. Targeting one of these tools for low-level code generation, while we concentrate on exploiting loop parallelism, might be a more fruitful approach than directly generating VHDL. However, it may be that the restrictions they impose preclude efficient use of the underlying hardware. Our first experiments with these HLS tools reveal two important issues. First, they are, of course, limited to certain types of input programs so as to make their design flows successful, even if, over the years, they become more and more mature. But it remains a painful and tricky task for the user to transform the program so that it fits these constraints and to tune it to get good results. Automatic or semi-automatic program transformations can help the user achieve this task. Second, users, even expert users, have only a very limited understanding of what back-end compilers do and why they do not lead to the expected results. An effort must be done to analyze the different design flows of HLS tools, to explain what to expect from them, and how to use them to get a good quality of results. Our first goal is thus to develop high-level techniques that, used in front of existing HLS tools, improve their utilization. This should also give us directions on how to modify them or to design new tools from scratch.
More generally, we want to consider HLS as a more global parallelization process. So far, no HLS tools is capable of generating designs with communicating parallel accelerators, even if, in theory, at least for the scheduling part, a tool such as Pico-Express could have such capabilities. The reason is that it is, for example, very hard to automatically design parallel memories and to decide the distribution of array elements in memory banks to get the desired performances with parallel accesses. Also, how to express communicating processes at the language level? How to express constraints, pipeline behavior, communication media, etc.? To better exploit parallelism, a first solution is to extend the source language with parallel constructs, as in all derivations of the Kahn process networks model, including communicating regular processes (CRP, see later). The other solution is a form of automatic parallelization. However, classical methods, which are mostly based on scheduling, need to be revisited, to pay more attention to locality, process streaming, and low-level pipelining, which are of paramount importance in hardware. Besides, classical methods mostly rely on the runtime system to tailor the parallelism degree to the available resources. Obviously, there is no runtime system in hardware. The real challenge is thus to invent new scheduling algorithms that take resource, locality, and pipelining into account, and then to infer the necessary hardware from the schedule. This is probably possible only for programs that fit into the polyhedral model, or in an incrementally-extended model.
Our research activities on polyhedral code analysis and optimizations directly target these HLS challenges. But they are not limited to the automatic generation of hardware as can be seen from our different contributions on X10, OpenStream, parametric tiling, etc. The same underlying concepts also arise when optimizing codes for GPUs and multicores. In this context of polyhedral analysis and optimizations, we will focus on three aspects:
developing high-level transformations, especially for loops and memory/communication optimizations, that can be used in front of HLS tools so as to improve their use, as well as for hardware accelerators;
developing concepts and techniques in a more global view of high-level synthesis and high-level parallel programming, starting from specification languages down to hardware implementation;
developing more general code analysis so as to extract more information from codes as well as to extend the programs that can be handled.