Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair

Serge Abiteboul partipated with Olivier Baudon to the organization in 2015 of the seminar of the Société Informatique de France “Enseignement de l’informatique pour les humanités et les sciences sociales”.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees

Serge Abiteboul: Data engineering (ICDE’2015); Management of data (Sigmod'2015); Very Large Database (VLDB'2015); Web Database (WebDB'2015). In 2015, Serge Abiteboul also participated in Awards committees for the French Academy of Sciences and the British Royal Society (Milner Award).

Sylvain Schmitz: Reachability Problems (RP’15).

Cristina Sirangelo: ICDT’15. PODS’15. PODS'16.

Victor Vianu: ICDT'15.


The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international conferences and journals.


Member of the editorial boards

Victor Vianu: Editor-in-Chief of JACM, Associate Editor of ACM TOCL, Editor of the Database Theory column in SIGACT News.

Invited talks

Victor Vianu gave two invited talks: One at the Alberto. O. Mendelzon Workshop, Lima, Peru, May 6-8 2015. A second one at the Martin Abadi Honoris Causa Symposium, ENS Cachan, June 2015.

Sylvain Schmitz gave two invited talks, at ACTS 2015 in Chennai, India, and at the DIMAP Logic Day 2015 in Warwick, UK.

Serge Abiteboul gave invited talks at the Advances in Database and Information Systems Conference (keynote - Poitiers), Profile, Predict, and Prevent Conference (Law, Paris), TTOW Conference (History, Paris), DSAAI Conference (Paris), Filocs Workshop (Tel Aviv), Data science symposium (Rennes), CNRS Mastodons Workshop (Paris), Inria EPFL Workshop (Lausanne), UPMC Seminar (Paris 6)...

He also gave invited talks in industry (Thalles, Accenture).

Leadership within the scientific community

Serge Abiteboul was nomitated co-chair of the Parity and Equality committee of Inria.

Scientific expertise

Sylvain Schmitz reviewed grant proposals for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

Research administration

Since 2015 Luc Segoufin is an elected member of the CNHSCT of Inria.