Section: New Results

Automated theorem proving

In [25] , Guillaume Bury, Raphaël Cauderlier and Pierre Halmagrand presented the extension of the automated theorem prover Zenon to ML-style polymorphism.

In [20] , Guillaume Bury, David Delahaye, Damien Doligez, Pierre Hamalgrand and Olivier Hermant introduced an encoding of the set theory of the B method using polymorphic types and deduction modulo, used for the automated verification of proof obligations in the framework of the BWare project.

In [24] , Kailiang Ji designed a strategy to translate model-checking problems into proving the satisfiability of a set of first-order formulas. The focus is to give an encoding of temporal properties expressed in CTL as first-order formulas, by translating the logical equivalence between temporal operators into rewrite rules. In this way, proof-search algorithms designed for Deduction Modulo, such as Resolution Modulo or Tableaux Modulo, can be used to verify temporal properties of finite transition systems. This strategy is implemented in iProver Modulo, and the testing results show that Resolution Modulo can be considered as a new way to quickly determine whether a temporal property is violated or not in transition system models.