Section: New Results
Results on Diverse Implementations for Resilience
Diversity is acknowledged as a crucial element for resilience, sustainability and increased wealth in many domains such as sociology, economy and ecology. Yet, despite the large body of theoretical and experimental science that emphasizes the need to conserve high levels of diversity in complex systems, the limited amount of diversity in software-intensive systems is a major issue. This is particularly critical as these systems integrate multiple concerns, are connected to the physical world through multiple sensors, run eternally and are open to other services and to users. Here we present our latest observational and technical results about (i) new approaches to increase diversity in software systems, and (ii) software testing to assess the validity of software.
Software diversification
Early experiments with software diversity in the mid 1970's investigated N-version programming and recovery blocks to increase the reliability of embedded systems. Four decades later, the literature about software diversity has expanded in multiple directions: goals (fault-tolerance, security, software engineering); means (managed or automated diversity) and analytical studies (quantification of diversity and its impact). We contribute to the field of software diversity with the very first literature survey that adopts an inclusive vision of the area, with an emphasis on the most recent advances in the field. This survey includes classical work about design and data diversity for fault tolerance, as well as the cybersecurity literature that investigates randomization at different system levels. It broadens this standard scope of diversity, to include the study and exploitation of natural diversity and the management of diverse software products [17] .
We also contribute to software diversity with novel techniques and methods. The interdisciplinary investigations within the DIVERSIFY project have led to the definition of novel principles for open-ended evolution in software systems. The main intuition is that software should have the ability to spontaneously and continuously evolve without waiting for specific environmental conditions. Our proposal analogizes the software consumer / provider network, which can be found in any types of distributed systems, to a bipartite ecological graph. This analogy provides the foundations for the design of an individual-based simulator used to experiment with decentralized adaptation strategies for providers and consumers. The initial model of a software network is tuned according to observations gathered from real-world software networks. The key insights about our experiments are that, 1) we can successfully model software systems as an ALife system, and 2) we succeed in emerging a global property from local decisions: when consumers and providers adapt with local decision strategies, the global robustness of the network increases. We show that these results hold with different initial situations, different scales and different topological constraints on the network [55] . In order to move towards the open-ended evolution of actual systems, we also developed a novel tool for the runtime modification of Java programs, as an extension to the JVM [60] .
Our second contribution to the filed of software diversity consists in experimenting its application in different fields. First, we have proposed a novel approach to exploit software diversity at multiple granularity levels simultaneously [15] . The main idea is to reconcile two aspects of the massive software reuse in web applications: on the one hand, reuse and modularity favor much writing the next killer application; on the other hand, reuse and modularity facilitates much the next massive BOBE attack. We demonstrate the feasiblity of diversifying web applications at multiple levels, mitigating the risks of reuse.
The second application of automatic software diversification for Java programs aimed at answering the following question: which product line operators, applied to which program elements , can synthesize variants of programs that are incorrect , correct or perhaps even conforming to test suites? We implement source code transformations, based on the derivation operators of the Common Variability Language. We automatically synthesize more than 370,000 program variants from a set of 8 real large Java projects (up to 85,000 lines of code), obtaining an extensive panorama of the sanity of the operations [68] .
The third application of software diversification is against browser fingerprinting. Browser fingerprint tracking relies on the following mechanisms: web browsers allow remote servers to discover sufficient information about a user’s platform to create a digital fingerprint that uniquely identifies the platform. We argue that fingerprint uniqueness and stability are the key threats to browser fingerprint tracking, and we aim at breaking fingerprint stability over time, by exploiting software diversity and automatic reconfiguration. We leverage virtualization and modular software architectures to automatically assemble and reconfigure a user's software components at multiple levels. We operate on the operating system, the browser, the lists of fonts and plugins. This work is the first application of software reconfiguration to build a moving target defense against browser fingerprint tracking. We have developed a prototype called Blink to experiment the effectiveness of our approach at randomizing fingerprints [33] .
Software testing
Our work in the area of software testing focuses on tailoring the testing tools (analysis, generation, oracle, etc.) to specific domains. This allows us to consider domain specific knowledge (e.g., architectural patterns for GUI implementation) in order to increase the relevance and the efficiency of testing. The main results of this year are about testing GUIs and model transformations.
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are integral parts of software systems that require interactions from their users. Software testers have paid special attention to GUI testing in the last decade, and have devised techniques that are effective in finding several kinds of GUI errors. However, the introduction of new types of interactions in GUIs presents new kinds of errors that are not targeted by current testing techniques. We believe that to advance GUI testing, the community needs a comprehensive and high level GUI fault model, which incorporates all types of interactions. In this work, we first propose a GUI fault model designed to identify and classify GUI faults [37] . We then studied the impact of the new types of interactions in GUIs on their testing process. We show that the current GUI model-based testing approaches have limits when applied to test such new advanced GUIs [36] .
Specifying a model transformation is challenging as it must be able to give a meaningful output for any input model in a possibly infinite modeling domain. Transformation preconditions constrain the input domain by rejecting input models that are not meant to be transformed by a model transformation. In our latest work [39] , we present a systematic approach to discover such preconditions when it is hard for a human developer to foresee complex graphs of objects that are not meant to be transformed. The approach is based on systematically generating a finite number of test models using our tool, PRAMANA to first cover the input domain based on input domain partitioning. Tracing a transformation's execution reveals why some preconditions are missing. Using a benchmark transformation from simplified UML class diagram models to RDBMS models we discover new preconditions that were not initially specified.
We also initiated a new line of research in order to invesitgate Novelty Search (NS) for the automatic generation of test data. This allows the exploration of the huge space of test data within the input domain. In this approach, we select test cases based on a novelty score showing how different they are compared to all other solutions evaluated so far [47] .
In Model Driven Engineering (MDE), models are first-class citizens, and model transformation is MDE's "heart and soul". Since model transformations are executed for a family of (conforming) models, their validity becomes a crucial issue. In [16] we proposes to explore the question of the formal verification of model transformation properties through a tridimensional approach: the transformation involved, the properties of interest addressed, and the formal verification techniques used to establish the properties. This work is intended for a double audience. For newcomers, it provides a tutorial introduction to the field of formal verification of model transformations. For readers more familiar with formal methods and model transformations, it proposes a literature review (although not systematic) of the contributions of the field. Overall, this work allows to better understand the evolution, trends and current practice in the domain of model transformation verification. This work opens an interesting research line for building an engineering of model transformation verification guided by the notion of model transformation intent.