Section: New Results
Protocols for VANETs
Participants : Nadjib Achir, Younes Bouchaala, Mohamed Elhadad Or Hadded, Paul Muhlethaler, Oyunchimeg Shagdar.
Synthetic study of TDMA protocols for VANETs
Recently several Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)-based medium access control protocols have been proposed for VANETs in an attempt to ensure that all the vehicles have enough time to send safety messages without collisions and to reduce the end-to-end delay and the packet loss ratio. In this paper, we identify the reasons for using the collision-free medium access control paradigm in VANETs. We then present a novel topology-based classification and we provide an overview of TDMA-based MAC protocols that have been proposed for VANETs. We focus on the characteristics of these protocols, as well as on their benefits and limitations. Finally, we give a qualitative comparison, and we discuss some open issues that need to be tackled in future studies in order to improve the performance of TDMA-based MAC protocols for vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications.
A stable clustering protocol for VANETs
VANETs have a highly dynamic and portioned network topology due to the constant and rapid movement of vehicles. Currently, clustering algorithms are widely used as the control schemes to make VANET topology less dynamic for Medium Access Control (MAC), routing and security protocols. An efficient clustering algorithm must take into account all the necessary information related to node mobility. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Weighted Clustering Protocol (AWCP), specially designed for vehicular networks, which takes the highway ID, direction of vehicles, position, speed and the number of neighboring vehicles into account in order to enhance the stability of the network topology. However, the multiple control parameters of our AWCP, make parameter tuning a nontrivial problem. In order to optimize the protocol, we define a multi-objective problem whose inputs are the AWCP’s parameters and whose objectives are: providing stable cluster structures, maximizing data delivery rate, and reducing the clustering overhead. We address this multi-objective problem with the Nondominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm version 2 (NSGA-II). We evaluate and compare its performance with other multi-objective optimization techniques: Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and Multi-objective Differential Evolution (MODE). The experiments reveal that NSGA-II improves the results of MOPSO and MODE in terms of spacing, spread, ratio of non-dominated solutions, and inverse generational distance, which are the performance metrics used for comparison.
Using Road IDs to Enhance Clustering in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) where vehicles act as mobile nodes is an instance of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs), which are essentially developed for intelligent transportation systems. A challenging problem when designing communication protocols in VANETs is coping with high vehicle mobility, which causes frequent changes in the network topology and leads to frequent breaks in communication. The clustering technique is being developed to reduce the impact of mobility between neighboring vehicles. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Weighted Cluster Protocol for VANETs, which is a road map dependent and uses road IDs and movement direction in order to make the clusters structure as stable as possible. The experimental results reveal that AWCP outperforms four other most commonly used clustering protocols in terms of control packet overhead, the packet delivery ratio, and the average cluster lifetime, which are the most usual metrics used for comparing performance.
Models for VANETs
Participants : Nadjib Achir, Younes Bouchaala, Guy Fayolle, Paul Muhlethaler, Oyunchimeg Shagdar.
Model of IEEE 802.11 broadcast scheme with infinite queue
We have analyzed the so-called back-off technique of the IEEE 802.11 protocol in broadcast mode with waiting queues. In contrast to existing models, packets arriving when a station (or node) is in back-off state are not discarded, but are stored in a buffer of infinite capacity. As in previous studies, the key point of our analysis hinges on the assumption that the time on the channel is viewed as a random succession of transmission slots (whose duration corresponds to the length of a packet) and mini-slots during which the back-off of the station is decremented. These events occur independently, with given probabilities. The state of a node is represented by a two-dimensional Markov chain in discrete-time, formed by the back-off counter and the number of packets at the station. Two models are proposed both of which are shown to cope reasonably well with the physical principles of the protocol. The stabillity (ergodicity) conditions are obtained and interpreted in terms of maximum throughput. Several approximations related to these models are also discussed.
Model and optimization of CSMA
We have studied the maximum throughput of CSMA in scenarios with spatial reuse. The nodes of our network will be a Poisson Point Process (PPP) of a one or two dimensional space. The one dimensional well fits VANETs. To model the effect of Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), we give random marks to our nodes and to elect transmitting nodes in the PPP we choose the nodes with the smallest marks in their neighborhood, this is the Matern hardcore selection process. To describe the signal propagation, we use a signal with power-law decay and we add a random Rayleigh fading. To decide whether or not a transmission is successful, we adopt the Signal-over-Interference Ratio (SIR) model in which a packet is correctly received if its transmission power divided by the interference power is above a capture threshold. We assume that each node in our PPP has a random receiver at a typical distance. We choose the average distance to its closest neighbor. We also assume that all the network nodes always have a pending packet. With all these assumptions, we analytically study the density of throughput of successful transmission and we show that it can be optimized with the carrier-sense threshold.
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 broadcast schemes
We have analyzed different broadcast strategies in IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs). The first strategy is the default IEEE 802.11p strategy. Using a model derived from the Bianchi model, we provide the network performance in terms of throughput and success rate. The second strategy is to use an acknowledgment technique similar to the acknowledgment with point-to-point traffic. A node will send its broadcast packet as in the default case,but it requires an acknowledgment from a neighbor node. This node may be a random neighbor or may be selected according to precise rules. We analyze this second strategy in terms of throughput and success rate. Somewhat surprisingly, we show that this second strategy improves the delivery ratio of the transmitted packets but reduces the overall throughput. This means that if the CAM messages (Cooperative Awareness Messages) are broadcasted, the total number of packets actually delivered will be greater with the default strategy than with the improved strategy. We propose a third strategy which consists in using the default strategy for normal packets, but we add random redundant transmissions to ensure greater reliability for very important packets. We show that with this simple technique, not only do we obtain suitable reliability, but we also achieve larger global throughput than with the acknowledgment-oriented technique. We have also computed network performance in terms of throughput and success rate with respect to the network parameters and to analyze their impact on performances.