Section: Dissemination
Web Presence
We deployed a 15-mote network at the SolutionsCOP21 expo at the Grand Palais in Paris, held alongside the COP21 meeting, 4-10 December 2015. French President Francois Hollande and Minister of Research Thierry Mandon came by the demo.
The EVA team organized several demonstrations of wireless sensor networks for undergraduates who visited Inria in February and December 2015.
The Rise of the Industrial IoT! Inria-DGA day, Paris, France, 15 October 2015, Thomas Watteyne.
Wireless In the Woods: Monitoring the Snow Melt Process in the Sierra Nevada. “demi-heure de la science” seminar. 3 September 2015, Rocquencourt, France, Thomas Watteyne.
From Smart Dust to 6TiSCH: building the Industrial Internet of Things. 4th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S), 13-15 July 2015, Basel, Switzerland, Thomas Watteyne.
Reaching Industrial-class Reliability with a Converged IPv6 Network in the Smart Building. Joint presentation with Pascal Thubert (Cisco). MEITO day on Smart Buildings, 21 May 2015, Rennes, France, Thomas Watteyne.
OpenWSN: Having FUN with TSCH and the IoT-LAB. FUN research team seminar, Inria-Lille, 3 April 2015, Lille, France, Thomas Watteyne.
Determinism in the IoT: the example of 6TiSCH and OpenWSN. IRTF T2TRG meeting, 22 March 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, Thomas Watteyne.
Thomas Watteyne chair, panel on “Sensing and Networking”, Inria@Silicon Valley annual workshop (BIS), 13 May 2015, Berkeley, CA, USA.
In the News
Article on IPSO CHALLENGE 2015, Inria-Paris Newsletter, 15 December 2015.
Interview of Thomas Watteyne in Smart Insights on “The Internet of Important Things”, Issue 15, number IV, 14 December 2015.
“Two Inria technologies rewarded at the IPSO Challenge 2015 in San Jose”, FrenchTechHub newsletter, 10 December 2015.
“Interview: Thomas Watteyne, EVA research team and REALMS associate team, presents his research, his collaboration with California and the IPSO Challenge”. Inria@SiliconValley newsletter, October 2015.
“Two Inria-EVA projects make it to IPSO CHALLENGE semi-finals”,, October 2015.
IPSO Alliance Announces Semi-Finalists for IPSO Challenge 2015, Reuters, August 2015.