Section: Research Program

Coexistence of Wireless Technologies

Wireless technologies such as cellular, low-power mesh networks, (Low-Power) WiFi, and Bluetooth (low-energy) can reasonably claim to fit the requirements of the IoT. Each, however, uses different trade-offs between reliability, energy consumption and throughput. The EVA team will study the limits of each technology, and will develop clear criteria to evaluate which technology is best suited to a particular set of constraints.

Coexistence between these different technologies (or different deployments of the same technology in a common radio space) is a valid point of concern.

The EVA team aims at studying such coexistence, and, where necessary, propose techniques to improve it. Where applicable, the techniques will be put forward for standardization. Multiple technologies can also function in a symbiotic way.

For example, to improve the quality of experience provided to end users, a wireless mesh network can transport sensor and actuator data in place of a cellular network, when and where cellular connectivity is poor.

The EVA team will study how and when different technologies can complement one another. A specific example of a collaborative approach is Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks (CRSN).