Section: Dissemination


Simone Martini has carried out extended work of scientific divulgation:

  • member of the technical committee of Olimpiadi del Problem Solving (at Italian Ministry of Education), http://www.olimpiadiproblemsolving.com ;

  • member of the technical committee of two national projects of Italian Ministry of Education, founded by ESF - European Social Fund: `Robotica educativa', and `Informatica nei licei';

  • various talks at institutes and workshops on the teaching methods for Computer Science.

  • coordinator of some initiatives for the `Hour of Code', see https://italia.code.org/ and http://www.programmailfuturo.it .

D. Hirschkoff takes part in several popularization activities in schools, in Lyon (association "Maths en Jeans").

Other duties

Simone Martini is a member of the Board of CINI (Italian National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics), designated by the Ministry for Semplificazione e Pubblica Amministrazione, from 2015.

Simone Martini has been elected Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Università di Bologna, for the term 2015-2018.

Davide Sangiorgi is coordinator of undergraduate studies at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Università di Bologna (Informatica per il Management).