Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Valeria Loscri is/was (co)general chair for SwanSity 2015 and PACS 2015, of the special track "Body Area NanoNETworks: Electromagnetic, Materials and Communications (BANN-EMC)" in Body Area Networks conference.
Nathalie Mitton is/was (co)general chair for AdHocNow 2016, Cloudification of IoT 2015, AdHocNets 2015 and Inter-IoT 2015.
Riccardo Petrolo is publicity chair for AdHocNets 2015 and web chair for AdHocNow 2016.
Jean Razafimandimby Anjalalaina, was Publicity Chair for IoTIP 2015.
Member of the organizing committees
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
Valeria Loscri is co-program chairs for AdHocNow 2016 and Member of the IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society) TC on "Interactive and Wearable Computing and Devices".
Nathalie Mitton was co-program chair of the summer school RESCOM 2015 and of the RESCOM community days in January 2016.
Nathalie Mitton is co-program chair for AdHocNow 2016, IEEE CSE 2016, SmartComp 2016, UIC 2016, VTC-Spring 2016, ICC 2016, NOMS 2015.
Member of the conference program committees
Valeria Loscri is/was in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of MoWNet'15/16, IDCS 2015/16, SWIT-Health 2015, HPCC 2015, WiMob'2015, Ntms 2015, IoTIP'15, IoT2015, ICARSC 2015,
Nathalie Mitton is/was in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of Algotel 2015, NOMS 2015, ICC 2015.
Tahiry Razafindralambo is/was in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of Globecom 2015.
Valeria Loscri is Co-editor of SPART, special Issue on Signal Processing Algorithms for Real-Time Sensing by Means of Wireless Sensor Networks.
Valeria Loscri is Co-editor in the Special Issue on Smart Wireless Access Networks and Systems For Smart Cities, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks.
Valeria Loscri is Co-editor for the book MIoT2015, Management of Cyber Physical Objects in the Future Internet of Things on behalf of Springer.
Valeria Loscri is a member of the 'Research Group on IoT Communications and Networking Infrastructure' at ComSoc Communities.
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board members of AHSWN since 2011.
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of Adhoc Networks since 2012.
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of IET-WSS since 2013.
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of ComSoc MMTC e-letter since 2014.
Invited talks
Valeria Loscri was invited speaker at "Cloudification of the Internet of Things - CIoT" conference in Paris in June 2015.
Valeria Loscri gave a talk at ICT2B "Innovation Runway Event" in Frankfurt, to present Vital project (February 2015).
Valeria Loscri gave a talk at ICT2B "Venture Academy Event", in Chaldiki, Greece (June 2015).
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at the French-India Architecture and Technological Trends and Issues in Indiacom in New Delhi in March 2015.
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at IIIT Allahabad at the event on Smart Cities in Allahabad in March 2015.
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at Rencontres Inria Industries in San Francisco in May 2015.
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at BIS meeting in Berkeley in May 2015.
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at the Inria-Mexico meeting in Mexico in June 2015.
Scientific expertise
Nathalie Mitton is an elected member of the evaluation community of Inria. She has acted as a reviewer for ANRT and ANR project submissions. She is also member of the scientific committees of the competitiveness cluster of MATIKEN and for CITC (International Contactless Technologies Center).
Research administration
Nathalie Mitton is a member of the Steering Committee of the GDR Rescom.