Section: Dissemination
Salvatore Guzzo Bonifacio gave a talk on "Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks" in the framework of "Fête de la Science".
Nathalie Mitton gave a talk on "Introduction to RFID" to Terminales S a in the framework of "Fête de la Science".
Nathalie Mitton gave a talk at the BIS conference on Smart Cities in Berkeley in May 2015.
Nathalie Mitton presented the wireless networks to ISN classes on March 2015.
Nathalie Mitton gave a talk on the Connected bike to the BeyondLab PlugTest on March 2015.
Jean Razafimandimby gave a talk on "Can robots cooperate?" to BTS a in the framework of "Fête de la Science".
Viktor Toldov gave a talk on "Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks" in the framework of "Fête de la Science".
Viktor Toldov gave a talk on the PREDNET project to the BeyondLab PlugTest on March 2015.
Viktor Toldov gave a talk on the PREDNET project during the IAE conference on Connected objects in December 2015, Lille.