New Results
Resultants, flexes, and the generalization of Salmon's formula
Participant :
Laurent Busé.
Given an algebraic variety and a point , the osculation order of the point is the maximum of the multiplicity of intersection at of with any line through . We denote it by and define .
If , it is known that if is a plane algebraic curve of degree then is the intersection of with its Hessian, this latter being of degree . A famous generalization of this result to the case has been obtained by Salmon in 1860: for a general variety , is the intersection of with another hypersurface of degree . In this work, we are studying the generalization of this formula to arbitrary dimension . We proved that given of degree , is obtained by intersecting with another hypersurface of degree
We are also looking for an explicit expression of an equation of this latter hypersurface.
This is a work in progress which is done in the context of a PICS collaboration funded by CNRS. It is a joint work with M. Chardin (University Paris 6), C. D'Andrea (University of Barcelona), M. Sombra (University of Barcelona) and M. Weiman (University of Caen).