Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Carole Delporte and Hugues Fauconnier, Algorithmique distribuée avec mémoire partagée, 6h, M2, Université Paris Diderot
Master: Hugues Fauconnier, Cours programmation répartie, 33h, M2, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Carole Delporte, Cours et TP Protocoles des services internet, 44h, M2, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Carole Delporte, Cours Algorithme réparti, 33h, M2, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Carole Delporte and Hugues Fauconnier, Protocoles Réseaux, 72h, M1, Université Paris Diderot
Licence: Carole Delporte and Hugues Fauconnier, Sécurité informatique, 36h, L3, Univ. Paris Diderot
Licence: Hugues Fauconnier, Programmation objet et interfaces graphiques, 48h, L2-L3, EIDD
Licence: Boufkhad Yacine, Algorithmique et Informatique, 132h, L1, IUT de l'Université Paris Diderot
Licence: Boufkhad Yacine, Programmation Orientée Objet, 60h, L2, IUT de l'Université Paris Diderot
Master: Pierre Fraigniaud, Algorithmique avancée, 24h, Ecole Centrale
Master: Pierre Fraigniaud, Algorithmique parallèle et distribuée, 24h, Ecole Centrale
Master: Adrian Kosowski, Communication and Routing, 4h, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMECA
Master: Adrian Kosowski, Randomization in Computer Science: Games, Networks, Epidemic and Evolutionary Algorithms, 24h, M1, École Polytechnique
Master: Pierre Fraigniaud and Adrian Kosowski, Algorithmique distribuée pour les réseaux, 24h, M2, Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI)
Master: Fabien de Montgolfier and Michel Habib, Grand Réseaux d'Interaction, 44h, M2, Univ Paris Diderot
Licence: Fabien de Montgolfier, Introduction à la programmation, 26h, L1, Univ Paris Diderot
Licence: Fabien de Montgolfier, Programmation avancée (bio-informatique), 26h, L3, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Fabien de Montgolfier, Algorithmique avancée (bio-informatique), 26h, M1, Univ Paris Diderot
Licence: Fabien de Montgolfier, Systèmes et Réseaux, 52h, L3, Ecole d'Ingénieurs Denis Diderot
Master: Michel Habib, Algorithmique avancée, 24h, M1, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Michel Habib, Mobilité, 33h, M2, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Michel Habib, Méthodes et algorithmes pour l'accès à l'information numérique, 16h, M2, Univ. Paris Diderot
Master: Michel Habib, Algorithmique de graphes, 12h, M2, Univ. Paris Diderot
Licence: Pierre Charbit, Introduction a la Programmation, 30h, L1, Université Paris Diderot, France
Licence: Pierre Charbit, Automates finis, 52h, L2, Université Paris Diderot, France
Licence: Pierre Charbit, Types de Données et Objet, 52h, L1, Université Paris Diderot, France
Master: Pierre Charbit, Programmation, 60h, M2Pro PISE, Université Paris Diderot, France
Master: Pierre Charbit, Algorithmique de Graphes, 18h, M2 MPRI, Université Paris Diderot, France
HdR: Amos Korman on the topic of “Distributed Decision and Distributed Biological Algorithms”, Université Paris Diderot, November 2015.
PhD: François Durand was an Inria engineer hired by Gang under a contract with Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France. He obtained his PhD last September [1] , under the subject “Towards Less Manipulable Voting Systems”.
PhD: The Dang Huynh (co-advised by Laurent Viennot and Fabien Mathieu) was a PhD Cifre with Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France. He obtained his PhD in June 2015 [2] , under the subject “Extension of PageRank and application to social networks.” He now works in the industry on related topics.
PhD in progress: Leonardo Linguaglossa (co-advised by Laurent Viennot, Fabien Mathieu and Diego Perino, both from Bell Labs / Alcatel-Lucent / Nokia).
PhD in progress: Simon Collet (co-advised by Amos Korman and Pierre Fraigiaud). Title of thesis is: "Algorithmic Game Theory Applied to Biology". Started September 2015.
PhD in progress: Lucas Boczkowski (co-advised by Amos Korman and Iordanis Kerenidis). Title of thesis is: "Computing with Limited Resources in Uncertain Environments". Started September 2015.
PhD in progress: Laurent Feuilloley (advised by Pierre Fraigniaud). Title of thesis is: "Synchronous Distributed Computing". Started September 2015.
Foreign PhD co-supervision in progress: Alkida Balliu and Dennis Olivetti (PhD students of Gianlorenzo D'Angelo at L'Aquilla University and Gran Sasso Science Institute) have Pierre Fraigniaud as their foreign co-supervisor since September 2015. They are expected to undertake a 6-month research visit to the team in 2016.
Laurent Viennot was reviewer for the PhD thesis of Dimitrios Milioris on “Trend detection and information propagation in dynamic social networks” at Ecole Polytechnique (May 2015).
Laurent Viennot was co-advisor for the PhD thesis of The Dang Huynh on “Extension de PageRank et application aux réseaux sociaux” at UPMC (April 2015).
Hugues Fauconnier participated as a jury member in the PhD defense of Lena Kanellou on “Structures de données pour des architectures multi-cœur actuelles et de futures architectures many-cœur” at Univ Rennes (December 2015).
Hugues Fauconnier was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Giuseppe Di Luna “On deterministic counting in anonymous dynamic networks” at University Sapienza in Rome (May 2015).
Pierre Fraigniaud was reviewer for the PhD thesis of Adi Shklarsh on “Modeling Bacteria-Inspired Smart Swarms ” at Tel Aviv University (2015).
Michel Habib participated as a jury member in the PhD defense of Brahim Neggazi on “Self-stabilizing algorithms for graph parameters”, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I (May 2015).
Michel Habib was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Sid Ali Selmane on “Détection et analyse de communautés”, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (May 2015).
Michel Habib participated as a jury member in the PhD defense of Stephen Gray on “Subgraph Epimorphisms: Theory and Application to Model Reductions in Systems Biology”, Université Paris Diderot (June 2015).
Michel Habib participated as a jury member in the PhD defense of Ronan Hamon on “Analyse de réseaux temporels par des méthodes de traitement du signal”, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon (September 2015).
Michel Habib was a reviewer for the HDR of Mathieu Liedloff on “Algorithmes exponentiels pour l'étiquetage, la domination et l'ordonnancement”, Orléans (December 2015).
Michel Habib was a reviewer for the HDR of Mamadou Kante on “Studying graphs: structure via rank-width, and listing of minimal dominating sets”, Clermont-Ferrand (December 2015).
Amos Korman participated as a jury member in the PhD defense of Jara Uitto, at ETH Zurich.
Adrian Kosowski was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Krzysztof Turowski on “The analysis of algorithmic properties of the skeleton graph coloring problem” at the Gdansk University of Technology (May 2015).