Section: Research Program

Axis 1: HTS data processing

The raw information delivered by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technologies represents billions of short DNA fragments. An efficient structuration of this mass of data is the de-Bruijn graph that is used for a large panel of problems dealing with high throughput genomic data processing. The challenge, here, is to represent this graph into memory. An efficient way is to use probabilistic data structures, such as Bloom filters but they generate false positives that introduce noise and may lead to errors. Our approach is to enhance this basic data structure with extra information to provide exact answers, while keeping a minimal memory occupancy [2] , [3] .

Based on this central data structure, a large panel of HTS algorithms can be designed: read compression, read correction, genome assembly, detection of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) or detection of other variants such as inversion, transposition, etc. [8] , [11] , [9] . The use of this compact structure guarantees software with very low memory footprint that can be executed on many standard-computing resources.

In the full assembly process, an open problem due to the structure complexity of many genomes is the scaffolding step that consists in reordering contigs along the chromosomes. This treatment can be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem exploiting the upcoming new sequencing technologies based on long reads.