Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : S. Oudot, Computational Geometry: from Theory to Applications, 18h, École polytechnique.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Topological Data Analysis, 36h, École polytechnique.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Geometric Methods for Data Analysis, 12h, École Centrale Paris.

  • Master : J.D. Boissonnat, Winter School : “Algorithmic Geometry of Triangulations”, January 2015.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Summer School BioMed : “Topological Descriptors for Geometric Data Comparison”, July 2015.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Young Researchers School at the Journées de l'AFIG: “Topological Methods for 3D Processing”, November 2015.

  • Doctorat : Frédéric Chazal, Topology and Geometry of Data Analysis, 9h eq-TD, nd EATCS Young Researchers School and TopDrim School “Understanding Complexity and Concurrency through Topology and Data”, Camerino, Italy, July 2015.


  • PhD in progress : Mael Rouxel-Labbé, Anisotropic Mesh Generation, started October 1st, 2013, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Mariette Yvinec.

  • PhD in progress : Alba Chiara de Vitis, Computational Geometry in High Dimensions, started February 2014. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and David Cohen-Steiner.

  • PhD in progress : Siargey Kachanovich : Manifold Learning, started October 2015. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Bonis, Statistical Learning Algorithms for Geometric and Topological Data Analysis, started December 1st, 2013, Frédéric Chazal.

  • PhD in progress: Ruqi Huang, Algorithms for topological inference in metric spaces, started December 1st, 2013, Frédéric Chazal.

  • PhD in progress: Eddie Aamari, A Statistical Approach of Topological Data Analysis, started September 1st, 2014, Frédéric Chazal (co-advised by Pascal Massart).

  • PhD in progress: Claire Brécheteau, Statistical aspects of distance-like functions , started September 1st, 2015, Frédéric Chazal (co-advised by Pascal Massart).

  • PhD in progress: Jérémy Cochoy, Zigzag persistence: stability and applications to Topological Data Analysis, started September 1st, 2015, Steve Oudot (co-advised by F. Chazal).

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Carrière, Signatures for Geometric Shapes, started September 1st, 2014, Steve Oudot.


  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat was a member of the HDR defense committee of Quentin Mérigot (Université de Grenoble).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member of the HDR defense committee of Bertrand Michel (Université Pierre et Marie Curie).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member (and reviewer) of the PhD defense committee of Julien André (Université Grenoble).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member of the PhD defense committee of Stéphane Calderon (Telecom Paris).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member of the PhD defense committee of Fabrizio Lecci (Carnegie Mellon University).