Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Cifre Contract with Geometry Factory

Mael Rouxel-Labbé's PhD thesis is supported by a Cifre contract with Geometry Factory (http://www.geometryfactory.com ). The subject is the generation of anisotropic meshes.

Commercialization of cgal packages through Geometry Factory

In 2015, Geometry Factory (http://www.geometryfactory.com ) had the following new customers for cgal packages developed by Geometrica :

  • CSM3D (UK, Cad chaussures): surface parametrization

  • Silvaco (USA, simulation) : 3d mesh generation

  • Cimmi (Canada): Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics on Triangulated Surface Meshes, Estimation of Local Differential Properties, AABB Tree, Principal Compoment Analysis, Point Set Processing

  • Varel (France, forage): 2D triangulations

  • Powel (Norway, GIS): point set processing, surface reconstruction

  • ExxonMobil (USA) : 2D triangulations, surface parametrization

  • Metrologic (France, metrology): point set processing

  • Geomage (Israel, oil&gas): 2D and 3D triangulations

  • Corvid (USA, simulation) : 3D triangulations

  • Medicim (Belgium, medical imaging): 3D mesh generation

  • Huntsman (Belgium), Pasco (Japan), Qualcomm (USA), Facebook (USA): industrial research licenses