Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Participants : Patrice Buche, Jérôme Fortin.
In 2015, we relied on our collaboration with the technical center of Comptois’ cheese (CTFC : Centre Technique des Fromages Comtois), initiated in the previous years, to build an enlarged project involving different traditional food chains (CNAOL, Conseil National des Appelations d’Origine Laitière). The aim of this project is to develop a platform that will be used in traditional cheese processing for expert knowledge management. This project was pre-selected by the French Ministry of agriculture but finally not accepted, hence we are working on a new version.
Participants : Michel Leclère, Michel Chein.
See results in Section 7.3 and the ANR project Qualinca in Section 9.1 .