Section: New Results
Participants : Ilaria Castellani, Bernard Serpette.
Behavioural Types
The survey paper presents a state-of-the-art of a recent trend of research on the use of behavioural types for specifying and analysing security properties of communication-centred systems. It is essentially an outcome of the working group on security of the BETTY COST Action, and it offers a unified overview of various proposals that have been put forward in the last few years, both within the BETTY community and outside it, to combine security analysis with behavioural types.
Abstract Rewriting Systems
We have formalised, with the Coq system, the beginning of Paul-André Melliès's thesis concerning abstract rewriting systems. Behind the interest of studying rewriting systems, which are the roots of all small step semantics of programming languages, this particular formalisation was attractive since it gives a concrete example where we have to manage dependant types.
This was done in collaboration with Eduardo Bonelli and Pablo Barenbaum of University of Quilmes, Argentina. The specification and the proofs of this work take 2200 lines of Coq.