Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • ANR Aggreg (2014-19): Aggregation Queries.

    Particpants: J. Niehren [correspondent], P. Bourhis, A. Lemay, A. Boiret

    The coordinator is J. Niehren and the parteners are the University Paris 7 (A. Durand) including members of the Inria project DAHU (L. Ségoufin), the University of Marseille (N. Creignou) and University of Caen (E. Grandjean).

    Objective: the main goal of the Aggreg project is to develop efficient algorithms and to study the complexity of answering aggregate queries for databases and data streams of various kinds.

  • ANR Colis (2015-20): Correctness of Linux Scripts.

    Participants: J. Niehren [correspondent], A. Lemay, S. Tison, A. Boiret, V. Hugot.

    The coordinator is R. Treinen from the University of Paris 7 and the other partner is the Tocata project of Inria Saclay (C. Marché).

    Objective: This project aims at verifying the correctness of transformations on data trees defined by shell scripts for Linux software installation. The data trees here are the instance of the file system which are changed by installation scripts.

  • ANR DataCert (2015-20):

    Participants: I. Boneva [correspondent], A. Bonifati, S. Tison.

    Parteners: The coordinator is E. Contejean from the University of Paris Sud and the other partner is the University of Lyon.

    Objective: the main goals of the Datacert project are to provide deep specification in Coq of algorithms for data integration and exchange and of algorithms for enforcing security policies, as well as to design data integration methods for data models beyond the relational data model.

Competitivity Cluster Picom

  • FUI Hermes (2012-15): The future of shopping

    We participate in the Hermes project of the Pôle de compétitivité PICOM , a regional research cluster on the industy of commerce.

    Participants: I. Boneva [correspondent], A. Bonifati, J. Niehren

    Objective: Here we work on filtering publicity offers by newspaper arriving on complex event streams in real time.

    Parteners: ‎Norsys, Auchan, etc