Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
We invited Prof. Claudio Gentile (Università dell'Insubria, Italy) in July, collaborating with Marc Tommasi and Fabio Vitale on contextual node classification and bipartite graph matching problems on social network with user binary feedback.
Prof. Mark Herbster (University College London, UK) was invited for the PhD dissertation defense of Thomas Ricatte in January and for Amir Sani's thesis in May 2015. He also collaborated with Fabio Vitale .
Several international researchers have also been invited to give a talk at the MAGNET seminar:
Jan Ramon (KU Leuven, Belgium): “Learning theory for network-structured data” (January)
Borja Balle (University of McGill, Canada): “A General Framework for Learning Weighted Automata” (February)
Tiago P. Peixoto (Universität Bremen, Germany): “Inferring the large-scale structure of networks” (April)
Dan Roth (University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, USA): “Learning, Inference and Supervision for Structured Prediction Tasks” (May)
Michael Mathioudakis (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland): “Absorbing random-walk centrality – theory and algorithms” (June)
Andre Martins (Priberam Labs and Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal): “Advances in Structured Regularization” (December)
Visits to International Teams
In July and in August, Fabio Vitale visited Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland), collaborating with Prof. Aristides Gionis on learning influence processes in social networks and graph reconstruction with queries.