Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
A. Alfonsi: “Modéliser, Programmer et Simuler”, second year course at the Ecole des Ponts.
R. Dumitrescu, Applied courses (Travaux Dirigés) "introduction to finance", L2, Université Paris Dauphine
- Machine learning for actuarial sciences , Institut des actuaires français
B. Jourdain : - course "Probability theory and statistics", first year ENPC
- "Introduction to probability theory", 1st year, Ecole Polytechnique
- "Stochastic numerical methods", 3rd year, Ecole Polytechnique
- projects in finance and numerical methods, 3rd year, Ecole Polytechnique
- “Calibration, Volatilité Locale et Stochastique”, third-year course at ENSTA (Master with University Paris I).
- “Traitement des données de marché : aspects statistiques et calibration”, lecture for the Master at UPEMLV.
- A. Alfonsi: “Mesures de risque”, Master course of UPEMLV and Paris VI.
- Advanced Probability (Master 1 Recherche Mathématiques et Application, University of Marne-la-Vallée
- "The Malliavin calculus and applications in finance", 30h, Master 2 Mathematical Finance, Université Marne la Vallée
- V. Bally, " Interest Rates", 20h, Master 2 Mathematical Finance , Université Marne la Vallée
- V. Bally, " Risk methodes in actuarial science", 36h, Master IMIS, Université Marne la Vallée
R. Dumitrescu, Applied courses (Travaux Dirigés) in " Asset pricing by absence of arbitrage opportunity", Université Paris Dauphine
R. Elie - Imperfect markets modeling M2 Master MASEF (Paris-Dauphine)
- Machine learning and applications, Master 2 Mathematics, , ENPC
- Portfolio management and risk measures, Master Actuariat, Université Paris-Est
- Arbitrage, volatility and portfolio management, Master 2 Math. Finance, Université Paris-Est
B. Jourdain, B. Lapeyre "Monte-Carlo methods", 3rd year ENPC and Master Recherche Mathématiques et Application, University of Marne-la-Vallée
- "Finite difference for PDEs in Finance", Master 2 MASEF, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, Département Mathématiques et Informatique de la Décision et des Organisations (MIDO), 18h.
- Master of Mathematics, University of Luxembourg, 22 h lectures and responsible of the module "Numerical Methods in Finance".
Anis Al Gerbi (started november 2013) "Discretization of stochastic differential equations and systemic risk modeling", supervised by B. Jourdain and E. Clément
Pierre Blanc, "Price impact on marker orders and limit order books (from Nov. 2012), Ecole des Ponts, Adviser : A. Alfonsi defended on October 9th 2015.
Rui Chen (Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris grant), "Stochastic Control of mean field systems and applications to systemic risk, from September 2014, Université Paris-Dauphine, Adviser A. Sulem
Roxana Dumitrescu, (Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris grant, RDMath Ile de France), Contributions au contrôle stochastique avec des espérances non linéaires et aux équations stochastiques rŕetrogrades , Advisers: A. Sulem with B. Bouchard and R. Elie, defended on September 28 2015, Université Paris-Dauphine.
Antoine Ly, CIFRE agreement, Partner: Miliman, advisers: R. Elie and Arthur Charpentier, Applications du machine learning en Actuariat, started 2015, Advisers: R. Elie and Arthur Charpentier
Sebastien Mollaret, CIFRE agreement, Partner: Natixis, Valorisation et couverture dans les modèles à changement de régime started 2015, Advisers: R. Elie.
Ernesto Palidda, Advisers: A. Alfonsi and Bernard Lapeyre, Ecole des Ponts, defended on May 29 2015.
- Paulo Pigato, "Lower bounds for the density of the solution of SDE's under the weak Hörmander condition, and applications in finance", Advisers: V. Bally and A. Dai Pra, University of Padova, defended October 2015, Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée,
Victor Rabiet : "On a class of jump type stochastic equations", Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, Advisers: V. Bally (75 %) and E. Locherbach, defended June 2015.
Clément Rey (from Oct. 2012), " High order discretization schemes for singular diffusions", Ecole des Ponts, Advisers : A. Alfonsi and Vlad Bally, defended on December 4th 2015.
Giulia Terenzi (from October 2015) "American options in complex financial models", Advisers : D. Lamberton and Lucia Caramellino, from University Tor Vergata, Rome.
Alexandre Zhou (started November 2015) "Analysis of stochastic particle methods applied to finance", supervised by B.Jourdain
- Head of the HCERES visit committee of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphael Salem, Rouen, November 20 2015
- PhD of Victor Rabiet, defended on June 23 2015, University Paris-Est
- PhD of Thi Quynh Giang NGUYEN, defended on October 19 2015, University Paris-Est
- PhD Roxana Dumitrescu, September 2015, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Referee (Rapporteur) HdR "Quelques contributions en finance mathématique, risque de liquidité et finance d'entreprise", Ly Vath Vathana, Université Evry Val d'Essonne, November 23 2015
- Faculty opponent, PhD thesis "Aspects of Waiting and Contracting in Game Theory", Peter Helgesson, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden, June 5th 2015.
- Sulem : Committe for the recrutment of a Professor of Insurance Mathematics, ETH Zurich January 2015
- Committe for the recrutment of a Professor ( in Financial Mathematics and numerical probability, Laboratoire de probabilités, Université Paris-Diderot, May 2015
- Committe for the recrutment of a researcher (chargé de recherche) Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, June 2015