Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Frédéric Gibou, from UC Santa Barbara, visited us in 2015. With the team of Frédéric Gibou we collaborate to develop general enough numerical models that allow a simplified geometrical and computational set up by the systematic use of hierarchical Cartesian meshes and monolithic models: multi-resolution schemes based on octree grid structures, refined grid patches, numerical zooms, overset.

Giovanni Russo, of the University of Catania, shares many of our scientific objectives: one of his past PhD students, Armando Cocco, has spent one year in Bordeaux dedicated to the parallelization of a multigrid cartesian solver. G. Russo has spent several weeks in Bordeaux as a visiting scientist at the Memphis team in 2015. This visit was dedicated to the study of new all-Mach schemes for conservative equations, guaranteeing accuracy and efficiency of the schemes used to solve problems where the time scales are those of the material velocities as opposed to acoustic wave time scales.

Gabriella Puppo, initially at the Politecnico di Torino and now at the university of Insubria, also visited us in 2015. We have an established collaboration with her to extend our approaches to rarefied gas dynamics, i.e., problems governed by the BGK equation. We have co-directed the PhD of Florian Bernard and we have now another co-direction, that of Emanuela Abbate, who will be studying relaxation equations for stiff problems of compressible non-linear elasticity.

Conglin Liu (univ. Harbin China), visited Charles-Henri Bruneau during the whole academic year 2014-2015. She had a grant from the Chinese Government.


Nadia Loy is an international internship from the university of Florence.

Visits to International Teams

With the team of Frédéric Gibou we collaborate to develop general enough numerical models that allow a simplified geometrical and computational set up by the systematic use of hierarchical Cartesian meshes and monolithic models: multi-resolution schemes based on octree grid structures, refined grid patches, numerical zooms, overset.

In this framework we have recently organized a commun workshop in Santa Barbara funded by the Idex initiative in Bordeaux.