Section: Research Program

Hierarchical Cartesian schemes

We intend to conceive schemes that will simplify the numerical approximation of problems involving complex unsteady objects together with multi-scale physical phenomena. Rather than using extremely optimized but non-scalable algorithms, we adopt robust alternatives that bypass the difficulties linked to grid generation. Even if the mesh problem can be tackled today thanks to powerful mesh generators, it still represents a severe difficulty, in particular when highly complex unsteady geometries need to be dealt with. Industrial experience and common practice shows that mesh generation accounts for about 20% of overall analysis time, whereas creation of a simulation-specific geometry requires about 60%, and only 20% of overall time is actually devoted to analysis. The methods that we develop bypass the generation of tedious geometrical models by automatic implicit geometry representation and hierarchical Cartesian schemes.

The approach that we plan to develop combines accurate enforcement of unfitted boundary conditions with adaptive octree and overset grids. The core idea is to use an octree/overset mesh for the approximation of the solution fields, while the geometry is captured by level set functions and boundary conditions are imposed using appropriate interpolation methods. This eliminates the need for boundary conforming meshes that require time-consuming and error-prone mesh generation procedures, and opens the door for simulation of very complex geometries. In particular, it will be possible to easily import the industrial geometry and to build the associated level set function used for simulation.

Hierarchical octree grids offer several considerable advantages over classical adaptive mesh refinement for body-fitted meshes, in terms of data management, memory footprint and parallel HPC performance. Typically, when refining unstructured grids, like for example tetrahedral grids, it is necessary to store the whole data tree corresponding to successive subdivisions of the elements and eventually recompute the full connectivity graph. In the linear octree case that we develop, only the tree leaves are stored in a linear array, with a considerable memory advantage. The mapping between the tree leaves and the linear array as well as the connectivity graph is efficiently computed thanks to an appropriate space-filling curve. Concerning parallelization, linear octrees guarantee a natural load balancing thanks to the linear data structure, whereas classical non-structured meshes require sophisticated (and moreover time consuming) tools to achieve proper load distribution (SCOTCH, METIS etc.). Of course, using unfitted hierarchical meshes requires further development and analysis of methods to handle the refinement at level jumps in a consistent and conservative way, accuracy analysis for new finite-volume or finite-difference schemes, efficient reconstructions at the boundaries to recover appropriate accuracy and robustness. These subjects, that are presently virtually absent at Inria, are among the main scientific challenges of our team.