Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master/PhD: Panayotis Mertikopoulos, "Game Theory for the Working Economist", 35 Eq. TD, University of Athens, Department of Economic Sciences PhD program (UADPhilEcon), Athens, Greece.

  • Master : Bruno Gaujal, Discrete Event Systems, 18 h, (M2R), MPRI, Paris.

  • Master : Bruno Gaujal, Advanced Performance evaluation, 9 h, (M2), Ensimag, Grenoble.

  • Master: Arnaud Legrand, Parallel Systems, 21 h, (M2R), Mosig.

  • Master: Arnaud Legrand and Jean-Marc Vincent, Performance Evaluation, 15 h, (M2R), Mosig.

  • Master: Arnaud Legrand and Jean-Marc Vincent, Probability and simulation, performance evaluation 72 h, (M1), RICM, Polytech Grenoble.

  • Master: Jean-Marc Vincent, Mathematics for computer science, 18 h , (M1) Mosig.

  • Master: Jean-Marc Vincent, workshop on the methodology in computer science research, 15 h, (M2R) Mosig.

  • Master : Olivier Richard, Networking, 40 Eq. TD, (M1), RICM, Polytech Grenoble

  • Master : Olivier Richard, Physical Computing Eq. 60 TD, L1 and M1, Joseph Fourier University and Polytech Grenoble

  • DU: Jean-Marc Vincent, Informatique et sciences du numérique, 20 h, (Professeurs de lycée).

  • E-learning

    • SPOC: Jean-Marc Vincent, Informatique et sciences du numérique, 6 mois, plate-forme pairformnce,rectorat de Grenoble, Professeurs de lycée, formation continue, environ 50 inscrits.


  • PhD : Luka Stanisic, A Reproducible Research Methodology for Designing and Conducting Faithful Simulations of Dynamic Task-based Scientific Applications Defended Oct. 30, 2014[6] , supervised by Arnaud Legrand and Jean-François Méhaut.

  • HdR : Arnaud Legrand, Scheduling for Large Scale Distributed Computing Systems: Approaches and Performance Evaluation Issues, Université Grenoble Alpes, Defended Nov. 2[5] , 2015.


  • Bruno Gaujal was a reviewer for the PhD of Josu Doncel, on “Efficiency of Distributed Queueing Games and of Path Discovery Algorithms“ at University of Toulouse, on March 30th 2015

  • Bruno Gaujal was a reviewer for the HDR of Nidhi Hegde.