Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Note: We only list here the teaching activities of researchers, not the courses of full-time teachers in the team.

  • Licence : Stefan Haar, Théorie des Langages, 22.3 h (EQTD) L2, Université Paris-René Descartes, France

  • Master : Benedikt Bollig, Non-Sequential Theory of Distributed Systems, 22.5 h (EQTD), M2, Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI), France

We further note that as of September 2015, Serge Haddad is no longer the coordinator of the M1 level but has become the director of the computer science department of ENS Cachan, as the successor of Paul Gastin in this position; and Stefan Schwoon has become the coordinator of the L3 level.


  • PhD in progress :

    • Engel Lefaucheux, controlling information in probabilistic systems, Co-supervisors Serge Haddad and Nathalie Bertrand (Inria Rennes, SUMO team);

    • Yann Duplouy, application of formal methods to the development of embedded systems for autonomous vehicles, since Sept. 2015, Supervisor Serge Haddad (with Béatrice Berard, UPMC).

    • Simon Theissing, Supervision for Multi-Modal Transport Systems, since September 2013, Supervisor Stefan Haar

    • Salim Perchy (Ecole Polytechnique), D-spaces, since November 2013, co-supervisor Stefan Haar, Supervisor Franck Valencia (Note : S. Perchy belongs to the COMETE team, not MExICo).


  • Benedikt Bollig was a member of the PhD committee of Mathieu Caralp, "Problèmes de bornes pour les automates et les transducteurs à pile visible", December 18, 2015 at Universié Marseille.

  • Paul Gastin was

    • President of the PhD committee for Jad Hamza at University Paris-Diderot, on November 27, 2015;

    • Reviewer for the theses of Roy Mennicke, Universität Ilmenau (Germany), and of Vitaly Perevoshchikov, Universität Leipzig (Germany);

    • a member of the HdR committees of Nathalie Bertrand, Rennes, November 16 and of Benedikt Bollig, ENS Cachan, june 2, 2015;

    • reviewer of the HDR of Olivier Serre, University Paris-Diderot, March 10, 2015

  • Serge Haddad was a member of the PhD committees of M. Amziani at Telecom SudParis in june 2015, and of D. Paquereau at INSA Lyon in March 2015.

  • On May 27, 2015, Thomas Chatain was a member of the jury in the competition for recruitment of Master's level students at ENS Rennes.

  • Stefan Haar was a reviewer of the thesis by Kari Kähkönen on Automated Systematic Testing Methods for Multithreaded Programs, defended on February 2, 2015, at Aalto University, Finland.

  • Stefan Haar was a member of the PhD examination board of the Thesis of Houssame-Eddine Gougam on Analyse de l’impact du temps sur la diagnosticabilité des systèmes à événements discrets, defended on Sep 28, INSA Toulouse.