Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
Participants : Nikolaos Georgantas [correspondent] , Valérie Issarny [correspondent] .
Name: CHOReVOLUTION – Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future Internet
Partners: CEFRIEL (Italy), Inria MiMove, OW2 Consortium (France), Thales Communications S.A. (France) [coordinator], Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (Italy) [scientific leader], Softeco Sismat SrL (Italy), Tirasa (Italy), Viktoria Swedish ICT (Sweden).
The Future Internet (FI) represents an age of unprecedented opportunities for social, economic, and business growth thanks to the global scale connectivity of the virtual as well as of the physical world. This indeed opens up a wealth of innovative and revolutionary real-life scenarios, as for instance illustrated by the smarter cities perspectives where envisioned scenarios significantly ease daily human activities and give support for the growth of new markets and employment opportunities. However, leveraging the FI for the development of innovative software applications remain a challenging task even though major enablers are readily available by ways of service-oriented and cloud computing. It is in particular our vision that enabling the choreography of FI services shall play a significant role in the provisioning of innovative applications. However, existing choreography-based service composition approaches are rather static and are poorly suited to the need of the FI that is a highly dynamic networking environment, further bringing together highly heterogeneous services ranging from Thing- to Business-based services that span different security domains. As a result, the technology is not mature enough for market take-up. CHOReVOLUTION elevates the Readiness Level of existing choreography technologies in order to drop the dynamism and cross-organization security barriers via the automated synthesis of dynamic and secured choreographies in the FI. To meet its objectives, CHOReVOLUTION undertakes both research and innovation tasks. The former concentrates on choreography modelling, synthesis, adaptation, service bus, security, and cloud; the latter focus on industrial validation, development support and integration platform, and the establishment of a CHOReVOLUTION community and market take- up. Last but not least CHOReVOLUTION outcomes are assessed by experimenting with new applications in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Participants : Valérie Issarny [correspondent] , Nikolaos Georgantas [correspondent] .
Name: FIESTA – Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications
Partners: Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany) [coordinator], INSIGHT @ National University of Galway (Ireland) [co-coordinator], University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre (UK), Inria MiMove, University of Surrey (UK), Unparallel Innovation Lda (Portugal), Easy Global Market (France), NEC Europe Ltd (UK), University of Cantabria (Spain), Com4innov (France), Athens Information Technology (Greece), SOCIEDAD PARA EL DESARROLLO REGIONAL DE CANTABRIA (Spain), Ayuntamiento de Santander (Spain), Korea Electronics Technology Institute (Korea).
Despite the proliferation of IoT and smart cities testbeds, there is still no easy way to conduct large scale experiments that leverage data and resources from multiple geographically and administratively distributed IoT platforms. Recent advances in IoT semantic interoperability provide a sound basis for implementing novel cloud-based infrastructures that could allow testbed-agnostic access to IoT data and resources. FIESTA will open new horizons in IoT experimentation at a global scale, based on the interconnection and interoperability of diverse IoT testbeds. FIESTA will produce a first-of-a-kind blueprint experimental infrastructure (tools, techniques and best practices) enabling testbed operators to interconnect their facilities in an interoperable way, while at the same time facilitating researchers in deploying integrated experiments, which seamlessly transcend the boundaries of multiple IoT platforms. FIESTA will be validated and evaluated based on the interconnection of four testbeds (in Spain, UK, France and Korea), as well as based on the execution of novel experiments in the areas of mobile crowd-sensing, IoT applications portability, and dynamic intelligent discovery of IoT resources. In order to achieve global outreach and maximum impact, FIESTA will integrate an additional testbed and experiments from Korea, while it will also collaborate with IoT experts from USA. The participation of a Korean partner (based its own funding) will maximize FIESTA's value for EC money. Moreover, the project will take advantage of open calls processes towards attracting third-parties that will engage in the integration of their platforms within FIESTA or in the conduction of added-value experiments. As part of its sustainability strategy, FIESTA will establish a global market confidence programme for IoT interoperability, which will enable innovative platform providers and solution integrators to ensure/certify the openness and interoperability of their developments.
Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7 & H2020
EIT ICT Labs 3cixty
Participants : Animesh Pathak [correspondent] , Rachit Agarwal [correspondent] .
Name: 3cixty – A Platform for Apps and Services that Offer Comprehensive Views of a City
Partners: Ambientic (F), CEFRIEL (IT), DFKI (DE) [coordinator], Eurecom (F) [associate leader], Fondazione Politechnico di Milano (IT), Innovalor (NL), Inria MiMove [associate leader], LocaliData (ES), Mobidot (NL), Politechnico di Milano (IT), Telecom Italia (IT) [associate leader], Thales (F), TU Delft (NL), UC London (UK).
3cixty is a platform, well motivated in business terms, for developing apps for city visitors that makes it easy for application developers to access and process comprehensive heterogeneous information about a city; and a Showcase App using the platform that demonstrates its added value. The project will result new opportunities to enable city visitors to exploit the transportation, business, cultural, and touristic opportunities offered by a city more fully and in a more personally and environmentally appropriate way, thereby benefiting cities, their visitors, and application and service developers.