Section: Research Program

Leveraging human learning skills

By looking at ways to leverage human control and perceptual skills, the research yet proposed mainly aims at improving perception-action coupling to better support transparent use. This third research theme addresses the different and orthogonal topic of skill acquisition and improvement. We want to move away from the usual binary distinction between “novices” and “experts” and explore means to promote and assist digital skill development in a more progressive fashion. We are interested in means to support the analytic use of computing tools. We want to help people become aware of the particular ways they use their tools, the other ways that exist for the things they do, and the other things they might do. We want to help them increase their performance by adjusting their current ways of doing, by providing new and more efficient ways, and by facilitating transitions from one way to another. We are also interested in means to foster reflection among users and facilitate the dissemination of best practices.