Section: Dissemination

Teaching, supervision, juries


  • DUT Informatique: Géry Casiez, Algorithmique, 80 hrs, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Univ. Lille 1

  • DUT Informatique: Géry Casiez, Modélisation mathématique, 14 hrs, 2nd year, IUT A de Lille - Univ. Lille 1

  • DUT Informatique: Géry Casiez, Projets, 18 hrs, 2nd year, IUT A de Lille - Univ. Lille 1

  • Licence Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak, AEL : Automates et Langages, 36 hrs, L3, Univ. Lille 1

  • Licence Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak, ASD : Algorithmes et Structures de Données, 36 hrs, L3, Univ. Lille 1

  • Master Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak (32 hrs), Nicolas Roussel (8 hrs), Sylvain Malacria (8 hrs), IHM : Interaction Homme-Machine, M1, Univ. Lille 1

  • Master Informatique: Géry Casiez, Multi-Touch Interaction, 10 hrs, M1, Univ. Lille 1

  • Master Informatique Image Vision Interaction (IVI): Géry Casiez (16 hrs), Fanny Chevalier (16 hrs), Thomas Pietrzak (16 hrs), NIHM : Nouvelles Interactions Homme-Machine, M2, Univ. Lille 1

  • Master: Thomas Pietrzak, IHM et Interface à Gestes, 12 hrs, IMA5 (M2 level), Polytech Lille

  • Master: Géry Casiez (6 hrs), Thomas Pietrzak (10.5 hrs), 3DETech : 3D Digital Entertainment Technologies, M2 level, Télécom Lille

  • Master Sociologie Réseaux Sociaux Numériques (RSN) : Fanny Chevalier, Statistiques et visualisation de données, 8 hrs, M2, Univ. Lille 1

  • Master Sociologie Réseaux Sociaux Numériques (RSN): Fanny Chevalier, Outils et Pratiques Numériques, 6 hrs, M1, Univ. Lille 1

  • Research Masters in Computer Science & HCID Masters (EIT ICT Labs European Master in Human-Computer Interaction and Design): Stéphane Huot, Mixed Reality and Tangible Interaction, 18 hrs, M2, Univ. Paris Sud

  • Research Masters in Computer Science & HCID Masters (EIT ICT Labs European Master in Human-Computer Interaction and Design): Stéphane Huot, Advanced Programming of Interactive Systems, 13.5 hrs, M1 & M2, Univ. Paris Sud


  • PhD in progress: Thibault Raffaillac, Languages and system infrastructure for interaction, started October 2015, advised by Stéphane Huot & Stéphane Ducasse

  • PhD in progress: Amira Chalbi, Comprendre et mieux concevoir les animations dans le contexte des interfaces graphiques, started October 2014, advised by Nicolas Roussel & Fanny Chevalier

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Kouyoumdjian, Multimodal selection of numerous moving targets in large visualization platforms: application to interactive molecular simulation, started October 2013, advised by Stéphane Huot, Patrick Bourdot & Nicolas Ferey (in Saclay)

  • PhD in progress: Alix Goguey, Ìnteracting between physical and digital tools, started October 2013, advised by Géry Casiez

  • PhD in progress: Andéol Evain, BCI-based interactions, started September 2013, advised by Anatole Lecuyer, Géry Casiez & Nicolas Roussel (in Rennes)

  • PhD in progress: Oleksandr Zinenko, Interactive code restructuring, started September 2013, advised by Stéphane Huot & Cédric Bastoul (Université de Strasbourg)

  • PhD in progress: Justin Mathew, New visualization and interaction techniques for 3D spatial audio, started June 2013, advised by Stéphane Huot & Brian Katz (in Saclay)

  • PhD: Jonathan Aceituno, Direct and expressive interaction on the desktop: increasing granularity, extent, and dimensionality, Univ. Lille 1, defended in October 2015, advised by Nicolas Roussel


  • Merwan Achibet (PhD, Université de Rennes): Géry Casiez, examiner

  • Louis-Pierre Bergé (PhD, Université de Toulouse): Géry Casiez, reviewer

  • Mohamed Ikbel Boulabiar (PhD, Université de Bretagne Sud): Géry Casiez, reviewer

  • William Delamare (PhD, Université de Grenoble): Géry Casiez, reviewer

  • Camille Fayollas (PhD, Université de Toulouse): Nicolas Roussel, reviewer

  • Jérémy Frey (PhD, Université de Bordeaux): Nicolas Roussel, president

  • Nazim Haouchine (PhD, Université Lille 1): Géry Casiez, president

  • Leonhard Lichtschlag (PhD, RWTH Aachen University): Stéphane Huot, reviewer

  • Gustavo Rovelo (PhD, Universitat Politècnica de València): Géry Casiez, reviewer

  • Quentin Roy (PhD, Télécom ParisTech): Stéphane Huot, reviewer

  • Matthias Schwaller (PhD, Université de Fribourg): Nicolas Roussel, reviewer

  • Siju Wu (PhD, Université d'Evry): Géry Casiez, reviewer