Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing committees

The team has co-organized with UMR Eco& Sols a one-week Research School on resources-consumers models, in September 2015 (see https://team.inria.fr/modemic/fr/francais-ecole-chercheur-modeles-ressources-consommateurs/ ). The objectives of the school were

  • filling the gap between lectures on dynamical population models given in theoretical ecology and the ones given in bioprocess or biochemical engineering,

  • gathering biologists from different application fields (food fermentation, farming, marine ecosystems...) and mathematicians, about models that couple biotic and abiotic compartments.

Another similar school is scheduled in 2016, and we plan to propose later a methodological network on this subject.

Scientific events selection


European Control Conference, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.


Reviewer - Reviewing activities

Applied Mathematical Modelling, Automatica, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Continuous and Distributed Systems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, European J. of Control, J. of Dynamical and Control Systems, J. of Process Control, J. of Membrane Science, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, SIAM J. on Optimization & Control.

Invited talks

Alain Rapaport has been invited to give a plenary session at the next CMPDE'16 (Conference in Mathematical Population Dynamics and Epidemiology), Marseille, Sep 2016.

Scientific expertise

  • Jérôme Harmand has been a member of the selection commitee for the recutement of a Junior Professor (“Maître de Conférences”) at University Montpellier.

  • Alain Rapaport has been a member of the HCERES evaluation panel of the CHRONO-ENVIRONNEMENT research unit, Jan. 2016.

Research administration

  • J. Harmand is member of the steering committee of the Inra meta-program 'MEM' (Metagenomics of Microbial Ecosystems), and member of the INRA evaluation committee “commission scientifique spécialisée” STEA.

  • A. Rapaport is member of the scientific committee of BIOS dept. of CIRAD, and is member of the scientific committee of Ecotechnologies department of Irstea.