Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Q. Mérigot was chair of the annual SMAI-Sigma meeting in Paris (2 Nov 2015)?
G. Peyré is the chair of the conference SIGMA 2016 ( ).
Member of the organizing committees
G. Peyré is in the organizing committee of Mathematics and Image Analysis MIA'16 ( ).
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
G. Peyré is in the conference program committees of CANUM 2016 ( ).
Member of the conference program committees
Q. Mérigot and G. Peyré were part of the program committee of Geometric Science of Information 2015
G. Carlier was member of the Scientific Committee of SMAI-2015.
G. Peyré is reviewer for conferences in machine learning (ICML, NIPS) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH).
V. Duval has reviewed several contributions to the conferences GRETSI, CAMSAP, SSVM, SPARS.
Q. Mérigot has reviewed for Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), Symposium on the theory of computational (STOC).
Member of the editorial board
Guillaume carlier is member of the editorial Board of "Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique" and co-editor of "Mathematics and Financial Economics".
G. Peyré associate editor for SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences and Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (Springer).
The members of the team are frequently reviewing papers in SIIMS (SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences), JMAA (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications), IPol (Image Processing Online), JVCI (Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation), COCV, M2AN ... Discrete and computational geometry, Journal of the London Math Society, JOTA, JCP, “Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA”, JMIV, Optimization Letters, PAMI, SIAM optimization and control ...
Invited talks
V. Duval has given invited talks at the Séminaire de Mathématique Appliquée au Traitement d'Image (Télécom ParisTech & Université Paris-Descartes), Journée Traitement d'Images du projet M2NUM du GRR LMN (INSA Rouen), and Mokameetings (Inria & Université Paris-Dauphine).
Q. Mérigot: Séminaire parisien de géométrie algorithmique, Paris (décembre 2015) ; Applied PDEs Seminar, Imperial College, Londres (décembre 2015), Convexity, Probability and Discrete Structures, Marne-la-vallée (octobre 2015) ; Journée thématique transport optimal et applications, Bordeaux (octobre 2015) ; Mini-symposium on gradients flow , SciCADE conference, Potsdam (september 2015) ; Geometric Computing Group Seminar, Stanford University (février 2015)
F-X. Vialard was invited at to give talks at: Semester on Riemannian geometry in infinite dimension in Vienna, Semester on geometric mechanics and stochastics at EPFL, Math on the Rocks conference, Séminaire d'analyse at University Paris 11.
Scientific expertise
The members of the team are frequently reviewing and evaluating ANR projects.
G. Peyré was in the 2015 recruitement comittees in Nice Univ. (Proffessor in analysis) and Paris-Dauphine (Maitre de Conference in statistics).
G. Carlier was in the AERES visiting comitee at Université du Havre.
Q. Mérigot participated to the secion comitee MCF 26 at Paris 6.
F-X. Vialard was reviewer for the DFG RSF grant proposal (Russian-German cooperation grant).
Research administration
J-D. Benamou is a member of Inria-Paris Restaurant comittee.
J-D. Benamou is an elected member of the Academic council of PSL.
G. Peyré is in the scientific advisory committee of "Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris" and in the scientific advisory committee of the Ceremade laboratory, University Paris-Dauphine.