Section: Research Program
We address the problem of cancer modeling through 3 axis.
In the first axis, we aim at producing patient-specific simulations of the growth of a tumor or its response to treatment starting from a series of images. We hope to be able to give information to the clinicians in order to improve the decision process. It is mainly useful in the case of a relapse or for metastatic diseases.
The second axis aims at modeling the biophysical therapies like radiotherapies, but also thermo-ablations, radio-frequency ablations or electroporation that play a crucial role in the case of a relapse or for a metastatic disease, which is precisely the clinical context where the techniques of axis 1 will be applied.
The third axis, even if not directly linked to clinical perspectives, is essential since it is a way to better understand and model the biological reality of cancer growth and the (possibly complex) effects of therapeutic intervention. Modeling in this case also helps to interpret the experimental results and improve the accuracy of the models used in Axis 1. Technically speaking, some of the computing tools are similar to those of Axis 1.