Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Project acronym: ORTOLANG (http://www.ortolang.fr )

  • Project title: Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage

  • Duration: September 2012 - May 2016 (phase I, signed in January 2013)

  • Coordinator: Jean-Marie Pierrel, ATILF (Nancy)

  • Other partners: LPL (Aix en Provence), LORIA (Nancy), Modyco (Paris), LLL (Orléans), INIST (Nancy)

  • Abstract: The aim of ORTOLANG is to propose a network infrastructure offering a repository of language data (corpora, lexicons, dictionaries, etc.) and tools and their treatment that are readily available and well-documented. This will enable a real mutualization of analysis research, of modeling and automatic treatment of the French language. This will also facilitate the use and transfer of resources and tools set up within public laboratories towards industrial partners, in particular towards SME which often cannot develop such resources and tools for language treatment due to the costs of their realization. Moreover, this will promote the French language and local languages of France by sharing knowledge which has been acquired by public laboratories.

Several teams of the LORIA laboratory contribute to this Equipex, mainly with respect to providing tools for speech and language processing. MULTISPEECH contributes text-speech alignment and speech visualization tools.


  • Project acronym: IFCASL

  • Project title: Individualized feedback in computer-assisted spoken language learning

  • Duration: March 2013 - February 2016

  • Coordinator: Jürgen Trouvain, Saarland University

  • Other partners: Saarland University (COLI department)

  • Abstract: The main objective of IFCASL is to investigate learning of oral French by German speakers, and oral German by French speakers at the phonetic level.

The work involved the design and recording of a French-German learner corpus. French speakers were recorded in Nancy, wheras German speakers were recorded in Saarbrücken. An automatic speech-text alignment process was applied on all the data. Then, the French speech data (native and non-native) were manually checked and annotated in France, and the German speech data (native and non-native) were manually checked and annotated in Germany. The corpora are currently used for analyzing non-native pronunciations, and studying feedback procedures.

ANR ContNomina

  • Project acronym: ContNomina

  • Project title: Exploitation of context for proper names recognition in diachronic audio documents

  • Duration: February 2013 - July 2016

  • Coordinator: Irina Illina, MULTISPEECH

  • Other partners: LIA, Synalp

  • Abstract: the ContNomina project focuses on the problem of proper names in automatic audio processing systems by exploiting in the most efficient way the context of the processed documents. To do this, the project addresses the statistical modeling of contexts and of relationships between contexts and proper names; the contextualization of the recognition module (through the dynamic adjustment of the lexicon and of the language model in order to make them more accurate and certainly more relevant in terms of lexical coverage, particularly with respect to proper names); and the detection of proper names (on the one hand, in text documents for building lists of proper names, and on the other hand, in the output of the recognition system to identify spoken proper names in the audio/video data).


  • Project acronym: DYCI2 (http://repmus.ircam.fr/dyci2/ )

  • Project title: Creative Dynamics of Improvised Interaction

  • Duration: March 2015 - February 2018 (signed in October 2014)

  • Coordinator: Ircam (Paris)

  • Other partners: Inria (Nancy), University of La Rochelle

  • Abstract: The goal of this project is to design a music improvisation system which will be able to listen to the other musicians, improvise in their style, and modify its improvisation according to their feedback in real time.


  • Project acronym: KAMoulox

  • Project title: Kernel additive modelling for the unmixing of large audio archives

  • Duration: January 2016 - January 2019 (signed in October 2015)

  • Coordinator: Antoine Liutkus, MULTISPEECH

  • Abstract: Develop the theoretical and applied tools required to embed audio denoising and separation tools in web-based audio archives. The applicative scenario is to deal with large audio archives, and more precisely with the notorious "Archives du CNRS — Musée de l'homme", gathering about 50,000 recordings dating back to the early 1900s.


In this project, we are concerned by the automatic speech-text alignment at the word and phoneme levels for audio files from several corpora gathered by the project. These corpora orthographically transcribed with Transcriber contain mainly spontaneous speech, recorded under various conditions with a large SNR range and a lot of overlapping speech and anonymised speech segments. For the forced speech-text alignment phase, we applied our 2-step methodology (the first step uses a detailed acoustic model for finding the pronunciation variants; then, in the second step a more compact model is used to provide more temporally accurate boundaries).


  • Project acronym: RAPSODIE (http://erocca.com/rapsodie )

  • Project title: Automatic Speech Recognition for Hard of Hearing or Handicapped People

  • Duration: March 2012 - February 2016 (signed in December 2012)

  • Coordinator: eRocca (Mieussy, Haute-Savoie)

  • Other partners: CEA (Grenoble), Inria (Nancy), CASTORAMA (France)

  • Abstract: The goal of the project is to realize a portable device that will help a hard-of-hearing person to communicate with other people. To achieve this goal the portable device will access a speech recognition system, adapted to this task. Another application of the device will be environment vocal control for handicapped persons.

In this project, MULTISPEECH is involved for optimizing the speech recognition models for the envisaged task, and contributes also to finding the best way of presenting the speech recognition results in order to maximize the communication efficiency between the hard-of-hearing person and the speaking person.

FUI VoiceHome

  • Project acronym: VoiceHome

  • Duration: February 2015 - July 2017

  • Coordinator: onMobile

  • Other partners: Orange, Delta Dore, Technicolor Connected Home, eSoftThings, Inria (Nancy), IRISA, LOUSTIC

  • Abstract: The goal of this project is to design a robust voice control system for smart home and multimedia applications. We are responsible for the robust automatic speech recognition brick.

ADT Plavis

  • Project acronym: Plavis

  • Project title: Platform for acquisition and audiovisual speech synthesis

  • Duration: January 2015 - December 2016

  • Coordinator: Vincent Colotte, MULTISPEECH

  • Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop a platform acquisition and audiovisual synthesis system (3D animation of the face synchronously with audio). The main purpose is to build a comprehensive platform for acquisition and processing of audio-visual corpus (selection, acquisition and acoustic processing, 3D visual processing and linguistic processing). The acquisition is performed using a motion capture system (Kinect-like) or from Vicon system or EMA system. We also propose to develop a 3D audiovisual synthesis system text to audio and 3D information of a talking head. The system will incorporate an animation module of the talking head to reconstruct the face animated with audio. During the first year of the project, we are setting up and testing the acquisition techniques that will be used. We have developed several tools to acquire the audiovisual data and to process it. A synchronization step was developed.

ADT VisArtico

  • Project acronym: VisArtico

  • Project title: Software for Processing, analysis and articulatory data visualization

  • Duration: November 2013 - October 2015

  • Coordinator: Slim Ouni, MULTISPEECH

  • Abstract: The Technological Development Action (ADT) Inria Visartico aims at developing and improving VisArtico, an articulatory vizualisation software (see 6.5 ). In addition to improving the basic functionalities, several articulatory analysis and processing tools are being integrated.


  • Project acronym: CORExp

  • Project title: Acquisition, Processing and Analysis of a Corpus for the Synthesis of Expressive Audiovisual Speech

  • Duration: December 2014 - December 2016

  • Coordinator: S. Ouni, MULTISPEECH

  • Cofunded by Inria and Région Lorraine

  • Abstract: The main objective of this project is the acquisition of a bimodal corpus of a considerable size (several thousand sentences) to study the expressiveness and emotions during speech (for example, how to decode facial expressions that are merged with speech signal). The main purpose is to acquire, process and analyze the corpus and to study the expressiveness; the results will be used for the expressive audiovisual speech synthesis system.

LORIA exploratory project

  • Project title: Acquisition and processing of multimodal corpus in the context of interactive human communication

  • Duration: June 2015 - May 2016

  • Coordinator: S. Ouni, MULTISPEECH

  • Abstract : The aim of this project is the study of the various mechanisms involved in multimodal human communication that can be oral, visual, gestural and tactile. This project focuses on the identification and acquisition of a very large corpus of multimodal data from multiple information sources and acquired in the context of interaction and communication between two people or more. We will set up and integrate hardware and software acquisition. Thereafter, we will acquire and structure the multimodal data.