Section: Research Program
Real-time Machine Listening
When human listeners are confronted with musical sounds, they rapidly and automatically find their way in the music. Even musically untrained listeners have an exceptional ability to make rapid judgments about music from short examples, such as determining music style, performer, beating, and specific events such as instruments or pitches. Making computer systems capable of similar capabilities requires advances in both music cognition, and analysis and retrieval systems employing signal processing and machine learning.
In a panel session at the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 1996, Rodney Brooks (noted figure in robotics) remarked that while automatic speech recognition was a highly researched domain, there had been few works trying to build machines able to understand “non-speech sound”. He went further to name this as one of the biggest challenges faced by Artificial Intelligence [46] . More than 15 years have passed. Systems now exist that are able to analyze the contents of music and audio signals and communities such as International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Sound and Music Computing (SMC) have formed. But we still lack reliable Real-Time machine listening systems.
The first thorough study of machine listening appeared in Eric Scheirer's PhD thesis at MIT Media Lab in 2001 [45] with a focus on low-level listening such as pitch and musical tempo, paving the way for a decade of research. Since the work of Scheirer, the literature has focused on task-dependent methods for machine listening such as pitch estimation, beat detection, structure discovery and more. Unfortunately, the majority of existing approaches are designed for information retrieval on large databases or off-line methods. Whereas the very act of listening is real-time, very little literature exists for supporting real-time machine listening. This argument becomes more clear while looking at the yearly Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) , with different retrieval tasks and submitted systems from international institutions, where almost no emphasis exists on real-time machine listening. Most MIR contributions focus on off-line approaches to information retrieval (where the system has access to future data) with less focus on on-line and realtime approaches to information decoding.
On another front, most MIR algorithms suffer from modeling of temporal structures and temporal dynamics specific to music (where most algorithms have roots in speech or biological sequence without correct adoption to temporal streams such as music). Despite tremendous progress using modern signal processing and statistical learning, there is much to be done to achieve the same level of abstract understanding for example in text and image analysis on music data. On another hand, it is important to notice that even untrained listeners are easily able to capture many aspects of formal and symbolic structures from an audio stream in realtime. Realtime machine listening is thus still a major challenge for artificial sciences that should be addressed both on application and theoretical fronts.
In the MuTant project, we focus on realtime and online methods of music information retrieval out of audio signals. One of the primary goals of such systems is to fill in the gap between signal representation and symbolic information (such as pitch, tempo, expressivity, etc.) contained in music signals. MuTant's current activities focus on two main applications: score following or realtime audio-to-score alignment [2] , and realtime transcription of music signals [35] with impacts both on signal processing using machine learning techniques and their application in real-world scenarios.