Section: New Results

Cloud Security

Participants : Anna Giannakou, Christine Morin, Jean-Louis Pazat, Louis Rilling, Amir Teshome Wonjiga.

Security Monitoring of Clouds

Participants : Anna Giannakou, Christine Morin, Jean-Louis Pazat, Louis Rilling, Amir Teshome Wonjiga.

We aim at making security monitoring a dependable service for IaaS cloud customers. To this end, we study three topics:

  • defining relevant SLA terms for security monitoring,

  • enforcing and evaluating SLA terms,

  • making the SLA terms enforcement mechanisms self-adaptable to cope with the dynamic nature of clouds.

The considered enforcement and evaluation mechanisms should have a minimal impact on performance.

In 2015 we started to study the state of the art about SLA for security monitoring in clouds, as well as about evaluating security monitoring setups in clouds.

In 2015 we also studied the self-adaptation issues of security monitoring with two kinds of security monitoring components: a network intrusion detection system (NIDS), and a secured application-level firewall. Moreover a new approach to secure an application-level firewall has been proposed.

To experiment with both kinds of components, a prototype called SAIDS has been implemented in the OpenStack-based IaaS cloud testbed that was setup in 2014. The NIDS software used is Snort. The application-level firewall is based on Linux nftables and Open vSwitch. In order to study more complex security monitoring setups, SAIDS will be extended in 2016.

A preliminary evaluation of SAIDS has been published in the doctoral symposium of CCGrid 2015. A more complete evaluation of SAIDS as well as the evaluation of the application-level firewall will be done in 2016.