Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Christine Morin and Deb Agarwal were co-chairs of the Science Data Ecosystem workshop, held in the framework of the Data Science Symposium organized by IRISA for the 40th anniversary celebration (November 26th, 2015, Rennes, France)
Louis Rilling was also co-organizer of the SEC2 2015 workshop, co-located with Compas 2015.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was co-chair of the ExtremeGreen workshop, in conjunction with CCGrid 2015 (Shenzhen, China, May 2015).
Member of the organizing committees
Martin Quinson was the main organizer of the 2015 SimGrid's User Days (Lyon, France, 8-12 June 2015), gathering the community of users.
Christine Morin was a member of the scientific committee for the Inria Scientific Days held in Nancy in June 2015.
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
Guillaume Pierre was program committee co-chair of the EIT Digital Symposium on the Future of Cloud Computing (Rennes, France, 19-20 October 2015).
Member of the conference program committees
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the ACM/IEEE CCGrid 2015 conference.
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the first IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN 2015) conference.
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2015).
Christine Morin was a member of the technical posters committee of the 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC15).
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the Compas 2015 conference.
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the 6th International workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud 2015) co-located with the ACM HPDC 2015 conference.
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the 8th International workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC-2015) co-located with the ACM HPDC 2015 conference.
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the 10th international workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC 2015) co-located with the EuroPar 2015 conference.
Christine Morin was a member of the program committee of the Resilience 2015 workshop co-located with the EuroPar 2015 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a member of the program committee of the CCGrid 2015 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a member of the program committee of the CloudNet 2015 conference.
Nikolaos Parlavantzas was a member of the program committee of the CLOSER 2015 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the DADS track of the SAC 2015 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the IC2E 2015 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the AINA 2015 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the CSCS20-2015 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the CloudDP 2015 workshop.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the VTDC 2015 workshop.
Guillaume Pierre was a member of the program committee of the HotWeb 2015 workshop.
Martin Quinson was a member of the program committee of the ACM SIGSIM Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS 2015) conference.
Martin Quinson was a member of the program committee of the High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015) conference.
Martin Quinson was a member of the program committee of the SimulTech 2015 conference.
Martin Quinson was a member of the program committee of the Parallel and Distributed Computing Education for Undergraduate Students (Euro-EduPar 2015) workshop.
Louis Rilling was program committee member of the DIHC 2015 workshop co-located with EuroPar 2015.
Cédric Tedeschi was a member of the program committee of the ICWS 2015 conference.
Cédric Tedeschi was a member of the program committee of the ICCS 2015 conference.
Cédric Tedeschi was a member of the program committee of the CloSer 2015 conference.
Member of the editorial boards
Christine Morin has been appointed associate editor in the IEEE's Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems' Editorial Board since June 2015.
Martin Quinson is a member since 2013 of the editorial board of the Interstices journal (edited by Inria in collaboration), aiming at increasing the scientific outreach of informatics.
Invited talks
Breaking the cloud : Energy-Efficient & Network-aware Distributed Cloud Infrastructure. Ismael Cuadrado-Cordero, talk at GreenDays. Toulouse, France, 16-17 March 2015.
Resource allocation in a Cloud partially powered by renewable energy sources. Yunbo Li, talk at GreenDays. Toulouse, France, 16-17 March 2015.
Breaking the cloud: Energy-efficient cloud PaaS. Ismael Cuadrado-Cordero, poster presentation at the EIT Digital Symposium on the Future of Cloud Computing. Rennes, France, 19-20 October 2015.
Breaking the cloud: Energy-efficient cloud PaaS. Ismael Cuadrado-Cordero, poster presentation at Green ICT day at IRISA. Rennes, France, 30 November 2015.
Self Adaptation for Security Monitoring in IaaS Clouds. Anna Giannakou, 3 minute talk at the D1 Department Day. Rennes, France, 26 May 2015.
Self Adaptation in Security Monitoring for IaaS clouds. Anna Giannakou, 5 minute talk at the SEC2- Premier atelier sur la Securite dans les Clouds. Lille, France, 30 June 2015.
Self Adaptable Security Monitoring in IaaS Clouds. Anna Giannakou, poster presentation at the EIT Digital Symposium on the Future of Cloud Computing. Rennes, France, 19-20 October 2015
Self Adaptable Security Monitoring in IaaS Clouds. Anna Giannakou, poster presentation at Club recherche du Pôle d'Excellence Cyber. Rennes, France 8 December 2015.
Private-by-design: towards Personal Local Clouds. Christine Morin, invited presentation at the Dagstuhl seminar on the Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC), Dagstuhl, Germany, February 10, 2015.
Autonomic and Energy-Efficient Management of Large-Scale Virtualized Data Centers and Towards High Performance Computing in Clouds. Christine Morin, invited tutorials at the Seconda Università di Napoli, Napoli, Italy, April 19-20 2015.
ConPaaS Generic Service for Automated Application Deployment in Distributed Clouds. Christine Morin, presentation at the Inria Industry Meeting on Smart City & Mobility Innovations: Towards environmental and social sustainability, San Francisco, USA, May 11, 2015.
Security of Information Systems hosted in Clouds: SLA Definition and Enforcement in a Dynamic Environment. Christine Morin, invited presentation at the SEC 2 workshop on security in clouds, co-located with Compas 2015, Lille, France, June 30, 2015.
Debate on Ecological Transitions. Christine Morin, panelist, Nantes, France, September 24, 2015.
Energy Efficiency & Energy Saving in Clouds. Christine Morin, presentation at the IRISA Green IT meeting, Rennes, France, November 30, 2015.
Self-adaptation for Security Monitoring in IaaS clouds. Anna Giannakou, Christine Morin, and Louis Rilling, invited poster at the Cyber Pole of Excellence's research club meeting, Rennes, France, November 30, 2015.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a keynote entitled “Energy efficiency in Cloud computing infrastructures”, at ExtremeGreen workshop in conjunction with CCGrid 2015, Shenzhen, China, May 4, 2015.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk entitled “Le Green IT à l'IRISA”, Matinale Rennes Atalante on Smart Grids, Rennes, July 8, 2015.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk entitled “Green computing” and participated to a debate with Françoise Berthoud (CNRS), at the Forum du CNRS, Paris, December 12, 2015.
HARNESS: bringing real hardware heterogeneity to the cloud. Guillaume Pierre, invited presentation at the 5th International Workshop on Cloud Data and Platforms. Co-located with EuroSys 2015 in Bordeaux, France. April 21, 2015.
HARNESS: bringing real hardware heterogeneity to the cloud. Guillaume Pierre, invited presentation at the 8th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing. Co-located with HPDC 2015, Portland, OR, USA, June 15th 2015.
Accelerating clouds with FPGA virtualization. Ancuta Iordache, poster presentation at the EIT Digital Symposium on the Future of Cloud Computing. Rennes, France, 19-20 October 2015.
Accelerating clouds with FPGA virtualization. Ancuta Iordache, presentation at the 5th Workshop on Storage and Data Analytics. Cesson-Sévigné, France, 19 November 2015.
Cloud application performance modeling in ConPaaS. Guillaume Pierre, invited presentation at the Paris Open Source Summit. Paris, France, 18-19 November 2015.
An Edge Cloud Architecture for Latency-Critical Interactive Applications. Teodor Crivat, poster presentation + demo at the EIT Digital Symposium on the future of Cloud computing. Rennes, France, 19-20 October 2015.
An Edge Cloud Architecture for Latency-Critical Interactive Applications. Teodor Crivat, poster presentation + demo at the EIT Digital results day. Helsinki, Finland, December 1st 2015.
Scientific expertise
Christine Morin acted as a reviewer for the University College Cork (UCC) Research Quality Review (April 2015). She was one of the scientific experts to examine a promotion as Senior University Lecturer in Computing Science and Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Umeå University (August 2015). She was a member of the ModaClouds European project Advisory Board. She is a member of the scientific council of ENS Cachan. She was a member of the admission jury for the 2015 Inria senior researcher competition.
She was a member of the selection committees for a Professor position in Computer Science at ESIR engineering school at the University of Rennes 1 and for a Professor position in Computer Science at ENS Rennes.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie participated to the evaluation of three Doctoral schools in January 2015 as a young researcher expert for HCERES.
Guillaume Pierre participated in the evaluation panels of ongoing national (ANR) projects LISP-LAB, MOEBUS, PROFIL, ABCD, and DataTweet. Paris, France, 27-27 October 2015.
Nikolaos Parlavantzas acted as an expert reviewer for ANRT CIFRE, PHC Orchid, and FFCR projects.