Section: Research Program
Unconventional/Nature-inspired Programming
Leveraging the computing services available on the Internet requires revisiting programming models, with the idea of expressing decentralized and autonomous behaviors (in particular self-repairing, self-adaptation). More concretely, composing services within large scale platforms calls for mechanisms to adequately discover and select services at run time, upon failure, or unexpected results.
Nature metaphors have been shown to provide adequate abstractions to build autonomic systems. Firstly, we want to explore nature metaphors, such as the chemical programming model as alternative programming models for expressing the interactions and coordination of services at large scale to build applications dynamically.
Within the chemical paradigm, a program is seen as a solution in which molecules (data) float and react together to produce new data according to rules (programs). Such a paradigm, implicitly parallel and distributed, appears to be a good candidate to express high level interactions of software components. The language naturally focus on the coordination of distributed autonomous entities. Thus, our first objective is to extend the semantics of chemical programs, in order to model not only a distributed execution of a service coordination, but also, the interactions between the different molecules within the Internet of Services (users, companies, services, advertisements, requests, ). At present, a distributed implementation of the chemical paradigm does not exist. Our second objective is to develop the concepts and techniques required for such an implementation. While the paradigm exhibit several limitations regarding its run-time complexity, revisiting the model and studying its implementation over distributed platforms, and then showing its relevance in concrete settings (such as service coordination) may constitute an innovative research area.