Section: New Results
Cloud Resource Management
Participants : Ancuta Iordache, Christine Morin, Ghada Moualla, Guillaume Pierre, Matthieu Simonin, Lodewijck Vogelzang.
Application Performance Modeling in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments
Participants : Ancuta Iordache, Lodewijck Vogelzang, Guillaume Pierre.
Heterogeneous cloud platforms offer many possibilities for applications to make fine-grained choices over the types of resources they execute on. This opens for example opportunities for fine-grained control of the tradeoff between expensive resources likely to deliver high levels of performance, and slower resources likely to cost less. We designed a methodology for automatically exploring this performance vs. cost tradeoff when an arbitrary application is submitted to the platform. Thereafter, the system can automatically select the set of resources which is likely to implement the tradeoff specified by the user. We significantly improved the speed at which the system can characterize the performance of an arbitrary application. A first publication on this topic has been published [26] , and a second one is in preparation.
Heterogeneous Resource Management
Participants : Ancuta Iordache, Guillaume Pierre.
During her internship at Maxeler Technologies, Ancuta Iordache developed an original technique for virtualizing FPGAs such that they can be used as high-performance computing devices in cloud infrastructures. Virtual FPGAs can be accessed remotely by any VM in the system. They can span multiple physical FPGA, they are elastic, and they can also be shared between multiple tenants. A publication on this topic is currently under evaluation.
Self-adaptatable Hadoop Virtual Clusters
Participants : Christine Morin, Ghada Moualla, Matthieu Simonin.
In the context of Ghana Moualla's Master internship, we designed the Elastic MapReduce Adaptation (EMRA) system to execute Hadoop MapReduce applications with user-defined deadlines in cloud virtual clusters. EMRA integrates an algorithm to automatically adapt the Hadoop cluster size at runtime in order to meet user-defined deadlines. We proposed an automatic scaling algorithm, which monitors the progress of the Map phase of the application during its execution and estimate if the user-defined deadline can be met. If the current allocated resources are not sufficient to meet the deadline, more resources are provisioned. The adaptation service comprises of three main components: (i) a monitor to check the progress of the running application, (ii) an estimator to predict the time needed to complete the application based on its current progress ; (iii) a controller to adapt the size of the virtual cluster by adding virtual machines as needed. The controller takes into account the start-up overhead of the new virtual machines and the time needed for the VM to fetch their input data from the original nodes over the network in order to start their map tasks. We implemented a prototype of the EMRA system in the context of Sahara, an environment for managing Hadoop virtual clusters on top of OpenStack IaaS clouds. We experimented the EMRA system on Grid’5000 with traditional MapReduce benchmarks. We evaluated the relative error of the estimator, the cost for scaling up or down a virtual cluster and showed that the proposed adaptation algorithm allows user-defined deadlines to be met.