Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Emmanuel Grenier: scientific chair: conference on tumor modeling, Marseille, december 2015.
Member of the organizing committees
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Vincent Calvez and Paul Vigneaux: Co-organizers of the maths seminar (since September 2008) Modelling, PDE and Scientific Computing, joint between Institut Camille Jordan and UMPA.
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Alvararo Mateos Gonzalez, Nils Caillerie: phD student seminar (Lyon I - ENSL).
Scientific events selection
Vincent Calvez is reviewever for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Member of the editorial boards
Vincent Calvez: Journal of Mathematical Biology (Springer)
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
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Vincent Calvez is reviewer for Comm. Part. Diff. Eq. (CPDE), J. Comp. Phys., J. Funct. Anal., J. Math. Biol., Nonlinearity, Duke Math. J.
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Paul Vigneaux is reviewer for Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier ; Journal of Scientific Computing, Springer ; ESAIM: M2AN, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Wiley ; Computers & Fluids international journal, Elsevier ; ZAMP, Springer (Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik – J. of Appl. Math. and Physics) ; Biomicrofluidics American Institute of Physics
Invited talks
Alvaro Mateos Gonzalez: Colloque Interactions 2015 (Grenoble)
Thibault Bourgeron: Journées EDP Rhône Alpes Auverge, Clermont-Ferrand, november 2015
Thibault Bourgeron: Modelling Seminar in Biology, ENS Lyon, october 2015
Paul Vigneaux: CEMRACS 2015 "Coupling Multi-Physics Models involving Fluids". Small scale fluid dynamics, interfaces and numerics. PhD lecture at the 20th CEMRACS Summer School. July 20 - August 28, 2015. CIRM, Marseille.
Paul Vigneaux: International Workshop on Intracranial Tumors Modeling. Bordeaux, France. September 21-22, 2015. Invited speaker.
Paul Vigneaux: Applied Analysis Seminar, LAGA, Paris 13 University, april 2015.
Research administration
Paul Vigneaux is a member of the Board of UMPA (since October 2009), of the Board of the Numerical Modelling Center of Lyon (PSMN), representing UMPA (since September 2008)