Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams not involved in an Inria International Labs
Title: Polyhedral Compilation for Data-Flow Programming Languages
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Polyhedral techniques for program transformation are now used in several proprietary and open source compilers. However, most of the research on polyhedral compilation has focused on imperative languages such as C, where computation is specified in terms of statements with zero or more nested loops and other control structures around them. Graphical data-flow languages, where there is no notion of statements or a schedule specifying their relative execution order, have so far not been studied using a powerful transformation or optimization approach. These languages are extremely popular in system analysis, modeling and design, in embedded reactive control. They also underline the construction of many domain-specific languages and compiler intermediate representations. The copy and execution semantics of data-flow languages impose a different set of challenges. We plan to bridge this gap by studying techniques that could enable extraction of a polyhedral representation from data-flow programs, transform them, and synthesize them from their equivalent polyhedral representation.
An extension for 3 more years has been requested. It may be partly funded by CEFIPRA.
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
Prof. Uday Bondhugula, CSA department, Indian Institute of Science, India. See POLYFLOW associate team for details.
Prof. P. Sadayappan, CS department, Ohio State University, USA. Joint publications, frequent visits, occasionally for several weeks.
Prof. M. Sheeran, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Regular visits. Continuing exchanges on languages and compilation for synchronous and hybrid systems.
Prof. C. Tinelli, CS department, University of IOWA, USA. Regular visits. Continuing exchanges on the verification of synchronous languages and programs.
Prof. R. von Hanxleden, Director at the Department of Computer Science, Head of the Real-Time and Embedded Systems Group, Kiel University, Germany. Regular visits and scientific collaboration.
Prof. M. Mendler, Head of the Informatics Theory Group, Bamberg University, Germany. Regular visits and scientific collaboration.
Dr. Sven Verdoolaege, CS department, K. U. Leuven, Belgium. Joint steering of the Polly Labs initiative and contractual cooperation in this context.
Dr. Tobias Grosser in the group of Prof. Torsten Hoeffler, ETH Zürich. Joint steering of the Polly Labs initiative. See Polly Labs for details.
Pr. Peter Sewell, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK. Regular visits and scientific collaboration.
Pr. Jan Vitek, College of Computer & Information Science Northeastern University, USA. Regular visits and scientific collaboration.
Participation In other International Programs
The POLYFLOW associate team has been extended for up to 3 years on January 1st 2016, in collaboration with CEFIPRA ( ).