Section: New Software and Platforms
Scientific Description
The Zélus implementation has two main parts: a compiler that transforms Zélus programs into OCaml programs and a runtime library that orchestrates compiled programs and numeric solvers. The runtime can use the Sundials numeric solver, or custom implementations of well-known algorithms for numerically approximating continuous dynamics.
Functional Description
Zélus is a new programming language for hybrid system modeling. It is based on a synchronous language but extends it with Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) to model continuous-time behaviors. It allows for combining arbitrarily data-flow equations, hierarchical automata and ODEs. The language keeps all the fundamental features of synchronous languages: the compiler statically ensure the absence of deadlocks and critical races, it is able to generate statically scheduled code running in bounded time and space and a type-system is used to distinguish discrete and logical-time signals from continuous-time ones. The ability to combines those features with ODEs made the language usable both for programming discrete controllers and their physical environment.
New Progress
Development and release of a comprehensive manual:
Progress on the interaction of multiple numeric solvers (masters internship of V. Andreani).