Section: New Software and Platforms


Functional Description

XLiFE++ is a Finite Element library written in C++ based on a variational approach and standard finite element methods, boundary element methods, spectral approximations. It allows to mix these different methods in a easy way to deal with complex models. A new version (v1.3) has been released in December 2015 but it is still in progress. This year, the main new features are: finite elements at any order (before, they were available up to order 6), some edge elements at any order (Raviart-Thomas, Nedelec), more stable boundary element methods. The performance was highly improved and first tests with multithreading (using OpenMP) have been done. At last, a lot of work to improve and stabilize user interface was done about mesh integrated tools, solvers, and external libraries installation. To make further progress in BEM methods (FMM, H Matrix, SCSD), a DGA project started in October 2015 in collaboration with MyBEM software team at CMAP (François Allouges, Matthieu Aussal, ...). Nicolas Salles has been recruited to enhance the BEM part of XLiFE++.

  • Contact: Eric Lunéville

  • URL: http://uma.ensta-paristech.fr/soft/XLiFE++/