Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Participants : Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia, Sonia Fliss, Patrick Joly.
Start : 09/01/2011, End : 12/31/2015. Administrator : ENSTA.
This contract is about guided waves in photonic crystals : we want to develop new mathematical and numerical tools for the characterization, the study and the computation of the guided modes in photonic crystals.
Participants : Eric Lunéville, Marc Lenoir, Séphanie Chaillat, Nicolas Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas Salles.
Start : 2015, End : 2018. Administrator : ENSTA.
This contract is in partnership with François Alouges and Matthieu Aussal (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique) and concerns the improvement of Boundary Element Methods for wave propagation problems.
Participants : Marc Bonnet, Laure Pesudo.
Start : 12/01/2014, End : 11/31/2017. Administrator : CNRS.
This contract is about the coupling between high frequency methods and integral equations.
Participants : Stéphanie Chaillat, Patrick Ciarlet, Luca Desiderio.
Start : 10/01/2013, End : 09/31/2016. Administrator : CNRS.
This contract is about fast direct solvers to simulate seismic wave propagation in complex media.
Participants : Stéphanie Chaillat, Marc Bonnet, Zouhair Adnani.
Start : 12/01/2014, End : 11/31/2017. Administrator : CNRS.
This contract is about fast solvers to simulate soil-structure interactions.