Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Title: ProSe: Security protocols : formal model, computational model, and implementations (ANR VERSO 2010.)
Other partners: Inria/Cascade, ENS Cachan-Inria/Secsi, LORIA-Inria/Cassis, Verimag.
Abstract: The goal of the project is to increase the confidence in security protocols, and in order to reach this goal, provide security proofs at three levels: the symbolic level, in which messages are terms; the computational level, in which messages are bitstrings; the implementation level: the program itself.
Title: AJACS: Analyses of JavaScript Applications: Certification and Security
Other partners: Inria-Rennes/Celtique, Inria-Saclay/Toccata, Inria-Sophia Antipolis/INDES, Imperial College London
Abstract: The goal of the AJACS project is to provide strong security and privacy guarantees for web application scripts. To this end, we propose to define a mechanized semantics of the full JavaScript language, the most widely used language for the Web, to develop and prove correct analyses for JavaScript programs, and to design and certify security and privacy enforcement mechanisms.
Partners: Bull, Cassadian, CEA, CS, Saferiver, Serpikom, Telecom Paristech
Abstract: The goal of the project is to develop a prototype of a new secure applicance based on a virtual machine architecture accessing an HSM. The role of PROSECCO is to contribute to the analysis of security