Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Emergences-Ville de Paris program, QuMotel project
This project, entitled “Quantum memory for microwaves: towards quantum error correction and quantum state teleportation” and led by François Mallet, started on september 2013 and will run till september 2016. It is composed of the members of the QUANTIC project-team. In this project we plan to develop a decoherence free quantum memory with the tools of circuit quantum electrodynamics. This crucial device is still missing in any implementations of quantum information processing. It aims at capturing, in an efficient manner, the quantum information encoded by flying photons, protect this information over long times, and release it on demand towards a desired channel. The realization of this memory is based on a high quality factor cavity connected to a superconducting circuit performing three-wave mixing. We will entangle the memory state with a propagating microwave signal, then use it to perform quantum teleportation from one memory to another, generate Schrödinger cat states in the memory and realize quantum error correction protocols in order to stabilize a cat state in the memory for an arbitrary time.
PSL* structuring project TOCOSUQI
In the framework of the creation of the QUANTIC project-team, we have benefited from a 2-year PSL* funding from september 2013 to August 2015. The PSL* project TOCOSUQI (Tools of the control of superconducting quantum circuits) aims at developing new system theory tools for preparing, manipulating and protecting non-classical states of a microwave field in the framework of quantum Josephson circuits and circuit quantum electrodynamics, and applying them directly in the experiments. This project was led by Benjamin Huard.