Overall Objectives
Application Domains
Overall Objectives
Application Domains

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • Partner 1: University of Padova

  • Alain Sarlette has been pursued a fruitful collaboration with the group of Francesco Ticozzi on “dynamical systems aspects of quantum systems”. A novel line of work in the direction of quantum thermalization and quantum random walks has been explored, in the framework of the PhD of S. Apers (Ghent University) supervised by A. Sarlette. Further joint work for the future is planned about among others generalized Markovian feedback and, reservoir engineering, and linear Lyapunov functions for quantum systems. F. Ticozzi has visited us for one week.

  • Partner 2: Ghent University.

  • A. Sarlette is collaborating with applied mathematicians interested in quantum control at UGent (Dirk Aeyels, Lode Wylleman, Gert De Cooman) in the framework of thesis co-supervisions. One PhD student is co-supervised with Dirk Aeyels in the framework of Belgian Inter-University Attraction Poles “Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization” network 2013-2017. A second PhD student is also co-supervised with Dirk Aeyels in the framework of Chinese Scholarship Council and Flanders Research Fund grant “Developing control mechanisms to counter biases and drifts in coordination”, 2013-2016. Finally, benefiting from a UGent starting grant on “Coordination control algorithms inspired from nonlinear PDEs and lattices”, 2013-2017, Alain Sarlette also supervises a third PhD student at Ghent University.

  • Partner 3: University of Liverpool.

  • P. Rouchon is collaborating with Jason Ralph from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the University of Liverpool on the numerical schemes for efficient quantum filtering in real-time feedback strategies. These collaborations have recently led to a publication in Physical Review A [23] .